Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

66 2beesl4te f4Cary tin his wife,he maybeeeatenofworrneswithHerode, he maybee fminten with tremblinathat hecannotheare Gods wordwith Pali;he mayvoydhisguts at theGoolewithArius,he may crye at his death that he is damnedwithLa. tomus,hemaybelcfi w tohimfelzetomccke,blafpheare,and renounceChriíj with itllian : and he may fuffermany more fearefull itidgements, whereof the Dents 1. Lordbath great liore,andall tend to the confounding of them which will 34. not be humbled vnderhis hand, Contrariwile,the trueChriflian is fo farceout ns Efai.4.6. of the reach ofGods kudgernents that theycannot hurt him : r,, Chrilf is a co. ueri g aid a clowde, againff the heate and tempefl of Gods iudgements, nExod. r 2. n whenamans heart is, fprinkledwith the bloudof this immaculate Lambe, 22. all the plagues ofGod: paffe our him. In the deffru5tion ofIerufalem the oEzec.94. °righteousbeareamarkeii theirforeheads and are faued. Therefore let him thatbathregard tohis owne fafetiebecome aChriffian. Thirdly, the roan which is no Chriftian is in dangerof eternal' death and damnation in hell fire : and theywhich fall into this effateit had been tenne p r.Theffr. thoufand foIde betterforthem iftheyhad neuer binborne:P for they are quite 9. feparatedfrnmthe preferrceofGadaidfromhiisglorie: all thecompanie they haue is with theDiuell andhis Angels. Their bodies and foules are tormented with infinite horror and anguiífr aritrngofthe fs tilingof the whole wrathof God, inwhich as into a bottomlef e fea, they areplunged. Thus they are a - wales dying, and yet are neuer dead -. Furthertnore,the lengthof this torment muff beconf dered whichgreatly aggravates thepaine. Ifaman mightbe de. liueted from thepines ofhell when he had fuf'ered them fo many yeares as therebe drops in the fea, or little fandsin thewholeearth, it were Tomecom- fort : but after that tholeyeares be expired there íhaii come no releafc, but the damnedltiallcontinue in fhriking,yelling and gnafhing ofteeth, enduring the confiimingbeateofGods wrathwithoutany end for euerand euer. Yea Agodkin to goéfurrher,a wickedmancarrieth an hell abouthim inthislife, namely, an mancarri- euill conf.:iencc which ifit bee neuer folittle touched withany part ofGods eth hell in an er, a man (hall feele himfelfe to. haue eaten the pangsofheli inhis heart. hisbofome. Now therefore all they that wouldefcape our ofthishellifh and damnable e- flate,while they haue time let them pray forthe pardonoftheir fins in Chriff, and walkeaccording to the fpirit in newaes oflife; and then they may affare themfelues, that there is no condemnation canbelong to them. Audit mull bee alwaies remembr-edthat he whichwould liue,whenhe isdead, mull dye 'whilehe Is aline,namely tofïnne. And againe, he which mould rife to eter- saall hie inrhedayr.oflodgement, mull rife from fin before hedye,vnto new- nesof life. The fourth reafon : God bath appoynted vnto.eueryman that liueth in the Church a certaine time ofrepentance,andofcommingtoChriff. And bee which mifpendeththat time and is not made àChrifftan theni can neuer bee 9Lutcór 9, fatted. This madeOur Sauiour Chriff weepe for Hierufalenrand,lày,g0 ifahaas z. h4dit knorencat the ice thiä thydey, tho f things which belangto thy peace,