Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

want ifhue tofit vpon the throneofthe kingdome afterthem. NowFze chiahat the timeoftheProphets meffage,rrnembring what prornií God had made, and how he for his part hadkept the condition thereof, in that hehad walked Godwith anupright heart,and had donethat which was acceptable in his fight ; hepraiedagainf1death, not fo much becaufc he feared the dangerofit,but becaufe he wantedifhue.This praier God ac- cepted and heard,and headded fifteene ycres vntohis daies, and twoyeres after Bane him Manaffes. The fourthobieó+ion is , that thofewhich haue bin reputed tobeofthe better fort ofrnen, oftentimes haue miferable endes: for teams end: their daies defpairing,fomeracing and blafpheming, Come f+rangely tormented : it may feenietherefore that the dayofdeath is theday ofgreatcfi woe and mifecie. To this I an (wetfiat ofall generally, thatwe mutt not indgeofthe ef+ateofany man beforeGod byoutward things, whetherthey be bleffings or iudgements,whether they fall in life ordeath. For (as Salomon faith) all thinsconealike, to all: and thefilmeeondrtionisto theOft and thewic ed,to the aodandto thepureandto thepolluted, and tohim thatficrificethand tohas that s cri ficethnat: asis thegaodfo is thefurner,he thanfirearetb ac he thatfearethan oath, Secondly I anfwer theparticulars which be alleadgedon this maner: And firft ofall touchingdefpaire, it is true that notonely wicked and look perlons defpaire in death,but allo repentant finnerF,whooftentimes in their ficknes,teflifie ofthemfehres that beeingaline and lying in their beds, they fede themfelues as it were to be inhell, and to apprehend the verypangs& torments therof And I doubt not forall rhis,but that the childofGod naoft deare vnto him, may through thegulfeofdefperatìonattaintocurl-Jailing happines. This appeares by the manner ofGods dealing in the matter of our faluacion. All the worksof Godare done inand by their contraries. In the creation,alI things were made,nocoffomething,buc ofnothing,cieane contrarie to the courfe of nature. In the worke of Redemption, God giucs life not by life, but by death: and ifweconfider aright ofChr:I1 vpon the croffe,we (hall feeourparadifeout ofparadife in themidi+of hell. Forout ofhis ownecurled death,doth hebring vs life and eternal] happines. Like- wife ineffeEtuali vocation, when it pleafeth God to connect and turnemen vntohim,he doth it by the meanesofcheGofpel preached,whieh in reafon fhould driue all men fromGod. For it is as contrarie rorhe natureofmanas fire towater,and light to darkenes: and yet for all this, though it be thusa- gainf+ the dilpofition andheart ofman,ic preuailcs withhimand turnes him toCod. Furthcrmore,whenGod will fend hisowne (eruants toheauen,he fends them a contrarie waie,euen by the gates ofhe l: and when itìshis plea- fure to make men clepende on his fallout and prouidence , he makes them fedehis angerand to be nothing in themfelues, that they may whollyde- pend vpon him,and be whatfoeuer they are in him. This point beeing; well confidered,it ismanifct°+that thechilde ofGod maypafle toheauen by the very gulfs ofha The lone ofGod is likea fee, into whichwhen a man is can!.