cal ,be neither leeksbottomenor feesbanke. iconclude therefore thatde- fpaire,v hetheritarifeof ineaknes ofnature,orofcofcienccoffnne;though it fallout aboutthetittle of death, can not prejudice the faluation ofthem that arecffeCtuaUy called. As for other (frangecantswhich fallout indeath, theyarethe eteétsofdifeefes. Rauingsand blafphemings arife ofthe cafe ofmelancholic and offrenfies, which often happen at the endeof bur- ning feauers,the choller (hooting vp to the btaine.Thewrithingofthe lips, the turningofthe necke, the bucklingof the ioynts and the whole bodies proceedeofcramps and convulfions,which follow after much euacuation. And whereas Come in ficknes areof that firength , that three or foure men can not hold them without bonds, it cornes not of witchcraftsand poffef- Gons,aspeople commonly thinke,butofchaffer in the vaines. Andwhere- asformwhen they are dead, become as blacke as pitch(as Bonner was) it mayarife by abruife,or an impoftume, or by the blacke iaundifc, or by the putrefactionofthehuer: and it dothnot alwaics argue forneestraordinarie judgement ofGod. Now thefe and the likedtfeafes with their fymF tomes and (frangeefte6ts,though theyshall depriue manof his health, and ofthe right vfe oftheparts ofhis bodie,and ofthevfe ofreafon too : yet they can not depriuehis foule ofeternalllife.Andall finnes,procured by violent dii cafes , and proceeding from repentant (inners, are finalesofinfirmitie: for which, if they know them, and come againe to thevfeofreafon, they will further repent ; ifnot,thcyarc pardoned and buried in the deathofChriti. And we oughtnot fomuch toRand vpon the firangenes ofany mans ender whenweknow thegoodnesof his life : forwe mutt fudge a mannot by his death,but byhis life. And ifthisbe true,that firange difeafes,and thereupon flangebehauiours in death,may befaithe heft man that is,we muff learne to reformeour judgements offuch as lie at the pointofdeath.The common opinicn is, that ifa man lie quietly andgoe away like a lambe(which in foure difcafcs, as confumptions and filch like, any man maydoe) then he goes Rraight toheauen : but if the violence of thedifeale flirrevp impati ence,andcaufe in the partie frantickebehauiours, thenmenvfe to fay,there is a judgement of God feruingeither todifcouer an hypocrite,or to plague a wicked man. Butthe truth isotherwifè. For indeede a man maydie likea lambe,andyet goe to hell:and onedying in exceeding torments &firange behauiours ofthe bodie, may goe to heauen. And by the outward condi- tion of any man, either in life or death, we arenot tojudge ofhis eflate be- fore God. The fourthobitc&tion is this.When a man is moll nete death,then thede- njll is mo(lbufie in temptation: and the moremenare affaulted by Satan, the moredangerous and troubieforne is there cafe. And therefore it may feeme that the dayofdeath is he worfi day of all.effrf. The condition of gods children indeath is twofold. Some are not tempted,& tome are.Some I fay are not tempted,as Simeon,whowhen he had feeue Chrift,btake forth & laid, L©: dssrowlctteft thouthy f rr ant depart inpeat ,&c.foref gnify nngbno