.weL 9 cond: which al Co containeth in it two worthie fleppes to life. Thelira, is a freedowe from all miferies,wbklihaue their ende in death.For thoughmen in this life are fubie6tto manifold dangersbrfeaand land,asalfo to funcirie aches,paines,and difeafes,as feauers,andcanfumptions,&c.yet when death comes there is anendeofall. Againe , fo longas men liue in thisvvorlde, vvhatfoeuer they be , they doe in forne part lie in bondage vnder originali corruption and the remnants thereof, which aredoubtings ofGeelsprat& dence,vnbcleefe,prideofheatt, ignorance, couetoufnes, ambition,enuie, hatred,lull,and fuch like finncs, vvhich bring forthfruits vntodeath. And to be in fubie6lion to finne on thismanner,is a miferie ofall miferies. There- fore Paul whenhe was tempted vnto finne by hiscorruption, cails the very 2.0062,7. temptation thebuffasof Satan,and as it were apricke or thorne wounding his flefh,and paininghimat the veryheart. Againe,inanother place wean- ed with his ownecorruptions, he complains that he is foldvnderfinne, and hecries out,0msferable manthat Ianti whofhall delivermepons this bodieofR om. 7.14,24. 4th?Dauid faith,that his eyesgufheloutwith riuers ofteares when other men finned again}God: how much more the-washegrieued for thefinnes PralR",36" wherewithhe himfelfe was ouertaken in this life. And indeede it is a very hell for a man that bath but a fparkeofgrace,to be exercifed, turmoiled,anci temptedwith the inbornecorruptions and rebellions °Finsowneheart:and ifaman would deuifea torment For fuch as feare God and defire towalke in newnesof life,hecan not deuife agreater then this. For this caule bletred is thedale of death whichbrings with it afreedome from all finnewhatfo- vier. For when wedie,th ecorruptionofnature is quite abolifhed,and fan- eification is accomplifhed. Laffly, it isa great toilette that the people of God are confirained in this worldto Hue and conuerfe in the.companieof the wicked ; as fhcepe are mingledwith goates which Alike them, annoy theirpaflure,and muddle their water.Hereupon Dauid cried out, Woe is me nfalaso./. that Iremaine ste .44efheckanddn4glimthe'tentsofKedar.When Elias law that Ahab and Iefabel had planted idolatrie in lfrael, and that they fought his I.King,19,4. lifealfo,he went apartinto thewildernes and defired to die. But this miferie allo isended in the daleof death, in as midi asdeath is as it were thehand ofGod to fort and fingleouttheifethatbe the fernantsofGod from all vn. godlymen in this moft wretchedubild. Furthermore this exceedingbenefit comesbydeath, that kdoth not on- lyabolifh themiferies which prefently are vpon vs; but an preuent thofe which are to come. The rt¡hteorei(faiththeProphet Efay)perifbeth, andno man confiderethit inhii heart: andrnercifallmenare take PS &ray ,c1PId110 man derflandeth that the rightem is taken gm' iyfor the eMi.tlto come. Exampleof thiswe haue in rofias. Becamfi (faith the I_ 1rd) thine heart didmelt,and thom haft htimbledthyPfebefore the Lord, when t hot; heardefir hat I itpakeavinff thisplace,&c.behold therefore brillgatherthee to thyfathers, and thou [halt be pat :nth), grigueinpeace,4nd thole 9esIliadnorfeeall the earl! which 7 wit: krierg ppon thisplace.And Paul falen,that amoogthe Corinthiansfomewereatleepe, that