yingsee 13 he makes himfenfitte and readie to die , and is a duckvery neceffarie, to which we are boundby Gods commandement.For there be fundric places of Scripturewhich do flraightly inioyne vs to watch andpray, and to make ourfeluesreadie euery way againft the fccondcomming ofChrifl toiudge. meant. Now the fame places doe withal! bindevs to makepreparationa- gainfl death, at which time God comes to iudgement vnto vs particularly. Againe,looke as death leauetha manfo fhall the lafliudgement finaehim, and fo (hall he abide eternally: theremay bechangesand conuertions from euill togood inthis life,but afterdeath there is nochange at all. Therefore a preparation co death can inno wife be omittedof him thatdefirts tomake anhappie and bleffed ende. This preparation is twofold : generall,and particular. Generali prepara- tion is that wherebya man prepares himfelfe to die through the whole courfe ofhis life. A duck moll needefull which tuna in nowile be omitted. The reafons arc thcfe. Firaofall death which is certen is moll vncerten. I fay it is cenen,becaufenoman canefe huedeath. And it is vncerten three vraies: fir, in regard °fume: for no man knoweth when he (ball die: fe. condly, in regard ofplacc: for no man knowes wherehe (ball die, whether in his bed orin thefield,vvhether by lea or by land: thirdly, in refpeet ofthe kind ofdeath; fornoman knowes whether he (ball die ola lingring or fud- den, ofa violentor naturalldeath. Hence it followes, that men fhould eue- rydaie prepare thcmfelues to death. Indeede if we could knovve when, wherc,and howe we fhould die, the cafe were otherwife, but feeing we knownone ofthere, it ftands vs inhand to lookeabout vs. A fecond rcafon feruing further toperfwadevs1S this.The matt dangerous thing of all in this world is,tonegled all preparation. Tomake this pointmoremanifelid wil tde this companion. A certaine man, purfued by an vnicorne, in his flight falls into a dungeon, and in hisfai takes hold and flanges by the armeofa tree: now as he thus hangslooking downward,he feestwo wormesgnaw- ing at the root ofthe tree, and as he lookes vpward he fees an blue ofaioft fweetehony, whereupon he climes vp vntoit, and fittingby it feeds theron. Lithemeane feafonwhilehe is thus fitting the twowormes gnawe in pie- ces themoteofthe tree: which done,trceand man and all fall into thebot- tome ofthc dungeon. Now this Vnicorne is death; the man that flieth is euery oneofvs, and euery liningmatfithe pit ouer which he hangeth,is hel: the armeofthetree is life it fcIfe: the two wormesare dale and night, the continuance whereofis thewhole life ofman: the hiueofhony is the pie- lures acid profits and honours of this world, to which when men wholly glue themleluesnot confidering their ends. cil the tree root that is this tem- poral' life be cut off: whichbeing once done, theyplunge themfelues quite into theguile ofhel.By this we fee,that there is goodcave that menfhould not deferre their preparation till cherime offickneffe, but rather euery day make themlelues readieagainli the dayofdeath. BLit foinc will fay, it (hall B z luffice