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ofdying well. 9 tuna it appeares by the laying ofChrif} in Iohn,Thiris l:feeternall,that is, Ioh the beginningandentrance into life eternall, to know thee the onely Godand trhome thou hafifeat ireful aril!. The fecond grace, is peace ofconfcience Phi" which pafleth all vnderilanding: and thereforePaul faith,that the kingdom ofheauen is rig hteeufncs,peaceofconfcience,and ioyin theholy Ghofl. Thehor- Rom., . rout ofaguiltiecon fcience is the beginning ofdeath anddefirudion:there- forepeaceofconfcieuce derived from the deathofChrifi,is lifeand happì- nes.The third is the regimentof-the fpirit , whereby the heartand life of man is ordered according to the word of God . For Paul faith,that they that are the childrenofGod are 1ed6y thef fririt o fChri f . Now Peeing this is Rs; fo,thatifwe would flue eternally, we mull begin tohue thatbleffed and e- .r4. ternall lifebefore vvedie;here vvemuff be careful! toreforme tvvocommon crrours. The firs} is,that aman enters into eternal! lifevvhenhe diesandnot before; vvhichis a flat vntruth. Our Sauiour Chrifi Paid to Zacheus, This day isfaluationcome to thy houfe: gluing vs tovnderfìand, that aman then beginnes to befaued,vvhenGod loth effeâually call him by theminis#erie ofhisGofpel.VVhofoeuerthen veill be fauedvvhen he isdying and dead, muff begin to be faucd vvhile he is novv lining. His faluationmust begin in this life,that vvould come to faluati®after this life: Veriy,verily,faithChria, rob Pose be that bureth my word, acrd helc,ueth in him that[ent me, bath eternalllrfe, namelyin thispresent life.The feconderrour is,that hovv foeueraman hue, ifvvhen he is dying hecan lift vp his eyes,and fay,Lordbanemercie vponme, he is certenly faued.Beholda verydaungerous andfoolish conceit, that de. ceiues many a man. It is all one as if anarrand thiefe should thusreafon vvith himfelfe,and lay;I vvill spendmy daies in robbingand fiealing,I feare neither arraignment,nor exequution. For atthevery time vvhen I am tobe turned offthe ladder, III doebut call vpon the iudge I knovv I fha!l haue my pardon. Beholda mot} daungerous and desperate course: and thevery fame is the praalfeofcarelefie men in thematter of their faluation. For a manmaydie vvith Lordhauemerese inhis mouth, and perish eternally; ex- cept in this vvorldheenter into the firsdegree ofeternal! life. For not every one thatfaithLord,Lord,(hall enter intoheaven :but he thatdoththe willof the Father whichis in heauen. The fourth dude, is to exercife and inureour feines in dying by littleand little fo long as vve lice here vpon earth, before vvecome todie indeede. Andas men that areappointed to runne a race, exercife themfelues in run- ning,thatthey mayget the vi6torie: fo should vvebegin todie novv vvhile vvearc lining, that vve mightdie vvellin the ende. But force may fay,hovv Should thisbedone?Paul giuesys dire&ion in his ovvne examplevvhen he faith,6ythe reioycingub:ch ! haue inChrif ddie daily. Aad hedied dailynot t.Cor.rf.31> onely becaufe hevvasoften indanger of death by reafonofhis calling; but alto because in all his dangers and troubles, he inured himfelfe to die. For vvhen mendoe make the right via of their affíiions, vvhethcr they be in bodie ofminds or both, anddoc vvith all-their might indeanour tobeare B a them