Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

20 7°he rightway thempatiently; humbling themfelues asunder the corre6lion o'God,then they beginne todie well. And to doe this in deede is to take an excellent courfe.Hethat wouldmortifie his greatefl finnes, muffbegin todoe it with finallfnoes; which,when they arconcereformed, aman íhallbeablemore eafily to ouercome his matterfinnes. So likewife he that would be able to beare thecroflèof all crotíes , namely death it felfe, mail fiat of all learne tobears final( croffes,as fickne(fes in bedie,and troubles inminde,with lof- fes of ;nodsand offriends,andofgoodname:which Inlay fitly tearme line torapefPeru deaths,and the beginningsofdeath it felfe: and we muff fir(( ofall acquaint m minorell. our fettles with these little deaths,before we can.well beable tobeare the great death ofall. Againe, the afflidi.ions and calamities of thishfe are as it were the harbingers and puruiersofdeath: andwe are fiat to learne how to intertaine these meffengers, that when death the lord himfelfe (hail corne,we may inbetter manner intertaine him. This point Bring the martyr well confidered, who oftentimes before he was burned, put his fingerinto the flame ofthecandle,not onely to make trial( of his abilitie in fufpering, butalto to atine and flrengthen himfelfe again(( greatertorments in death. Thusye fee the fourthdutie, which ye mull in any wife learne and remem- ber, becaufe we cannot be able bea re thepangsof death well, vnleswe be fir(( well fchooled and nurtercd by fundrie trial's in this life. The fifth andTaft dulie islet downe bySalomon, All that thine handfball sccles.9.ïo, finde todoe,doe it with ail thypower. And marke the reafon. For there is neither wark,e,nor inuention,nor knowledge, thegramwhither thougoeff. lGa1.6,10. To the famePurpofe Paul faith, Doegooátoallmenwhileye-hauetime.There- fore ifany man be able to doeanygood feruiceeither toGodsChurch,or to thecommonwealth,or to anypruate man,let himdoe it with all fpeed and with all his might, lea((death it felfepreuent him. He that.hath care thus to (pendehis daies,íhall with much comfort andpeace ofconfcience ende his life. Thus much of generali preparation. Nowe followeth the particular, which is in the timeof Ccknes. And here firfl ofall I will Chewwhat is the do6trineofthe Papifls,and then afterward the truth. By thepopifh order and pra6life,when aman is about to die, he is inioyned three things. Fir(l tomake facramentall conferfion , fpecially if it be inany mortali (inne; fe- c.ondlyto receiue the Eucharifi ; thirdly to require his annoyling, that is, the facrament(as theycall it)ofextrearne vndtion. Sacramentallcon feísion,theytearme a rehearfall or enumeration ofall mans (innes to apriefl,thathemay receiue abfolution. But again(( thiskind ofconfefsion,lundrie reafons maybe alIeadged. Firfl ofall, it hath no war- rant either bycommaundement or example in the whole wordeofGod. They fayyes; & theyindeauour to prooue it thus: Hewhich lies in anymor. tall finne, isby Gods lawbounde to doepenance and to feeke reconcilia- tion with God: now theneceffaric meanes after baptilme toobraine recon- ciliation, isthe confefsion ofall out finnes to apriefl.BecaufeC ppohtth