g, t The right w y ardatl Via' die,mufireceiue theEucharifl,andnotbbedepriued oftheptoui(ion offood necefl'arie for their journey. eAnf The Council made no decree touching the adminifirationof the Sacrament to all men that die,but to fuch onely as fall away from the faith in perfetluution , or fell into anyother notorious crime,andwerethereupon excommunicate,and Ioremained till death:and eitherthen or fomewhat before teflified their repentance for their offences. Andthe Canon was made for this cnde,that full perfons might beaffured that they were againe receiuedinto the Church, and by thismeanes depart 0'6436' withmore comfort.Thirdly it isobieaed,that in thePrimitiue Church,part ofthe Eu:harillwas carted byaladde toSerapion anagedman,lying ficke inhis bedde. Ant. It was indeed the cuflomeofthe auncientChurch from theverybeginning , thatthe elementsofbread and wine fhould belent by forceofthe Deacons to the ficke, which were abfent from the affembly. Andyet neuertheles here isno footing forprivatecommunions. FortheEu- chariflwas onely then fcnt when the cell of theChurchdidopenlycommu- nicate; and fuch as were thenabfentonely by reafon of ficknes, and deóred tobepartakers ofthat blefl'ed communion, weretobe reputedas prefent. LzlUy it is obic&ed, thatit was the manner ofmen and women in former s geptji.sti times` to curie partofthe facrament home to theirhoules, and to referue rr,Hl ¡.$4d ittill the time of neceflïtic,as the timeofficknes,and fuch f. There. xm. ferurtionofthe Sacramentwas but a fuperflitious pra&ife, though it bean- ;.;1611 i4 '4° dent. For outoftheadminifiration ,thatis,beforeitbegin,and after it isen. P"1"m ded, the facrament ceafeth to bea facrament, and the elementstobeele- r°b' ments. As forthe ra&ife ofthem that viedtoGramme theEucharift into Court.. Krtb,3. P 40.6, themouthofthem that were deceafed, it is not onely fuperflitious but allo very abfurd. Asfor theAnnoiling oftheficke,that is,theannointingofthe bodie,fpe. cially the organesor iniruments ofthe fences, that thepartie may obtaine the remiffionofhis finnes, and comfort againfl all temptationsofthe deuil! inthehoure ofdeath,and ffrengthmoreeafilytobearethepaines oflcknes and the pangs ofdeath, and be againe refìored tohis corporali health, ¡fit be expedient for the faluation ofhis foule;ic is but adotageofmans braine, and hathnot fomuch asa Ihewof reafon to¡uflific it. The fifth oflames is commonlyalle'adged tothis purpofe, but theannointing there mentioned is not ofthe fame kinde with thisgreahe facramentof the Papifls. For that annointing of thebodie wasa ceremonie vied by theApofUles and others, when they put inpra&ife the miraculous gift ofhealing, whichgift is now Iaes.g<rct ceafed.Secondly,thatannointinghad apromife that thepartie fhouldreco- uer hishealth: but this popifh annointing hath no fuch promife,becaufe forthemoti part the perlons thus annointed die afterward without reco. nerie; whereas thofe which were annointed in the Primitiuc Church al- waies recouered. Thirdly,the ancient annointingferued onely for thepro- curingofhealth,but this tendsfurther to the procuringofremiffionofruns, and flrength ;n temptation. Thus.