ofdying well, 23 Thus hawing (cene thedoefrineofthe Papifis, I come now to fpeake of the trueand right maner of making particular preparation before death, which con taincs three forts ofduties:one concerningGod, theother con- cerning a mansown felfe,the third concerning ourncighbour.The firff c®_ cerningGod, is to feekto be reconciled vntohim in Chrifi,thoughwehaue bin long aflured of his fauour. All otherduties mull come after inthe fecód place,and they areof lisle or noeffeet without this. Nowthis reconciliati- on muff be fought for and isobtained by a renewing ofour former faith& repentance:and they muti be renewedon thismaner. So (boneas a ma (hall feele any marìer of(icknesto feaze vpon his bodie, he muf} confider with himfelfe whence it arifeth:and afterfetious confideration,he (hall find that itcontesnot bychaunceor fortune , but by the fpeciall prouidence ofGod. This done , hemuf} goe yet further and confider for whatcaufe theLord (hould affli&hisbody with any ficknes ordileafe. Andhe (hall findbyGods word,that ícknescomes ordinarilyarid vfrtally of (inne. wherefore is the I:. Lam.3.39, vingmanferrowftsll?man ftf rethforhisfanne. Ir is true indeede,there be o- ther caufesofthe wants ofthe body,and officknes, betide fnnc;& though theybe not knowne to vs,yet they areknowne to the Lord. Hereup6 Chrìfl: when hefaw acertaine blinde man,andwas demanded what was the caufc ofthe blindnes,anfwered,neither hat hthis manfannednorhi,parents, but that IQlt.9.a, she work!ofGodJhouldbefhewedon h,rn.Yet we for our parts, whoare to goe not by the fecrct,butby the reuealedwill ofGod, muff make this vfe ofour licknes,thar it is lent vntovs for out finnes. WhenChria healed the mäfick ofthepalfie, he faieth,be ofgood comfort,rhyfnnes areforgimen thee:and whe Matth.9.2. he had healed theman by the poole ofRethefda,that had bin ficke thirty eight yeres,he bidshim (inneno more leali s wort thinghappen vnto hi n: gi.loh. ;.r4. umgthem both tovnderfiand that their ficknes came by reafon of the it finnes. And thus fhouldeuery ficke man refolue himfèlfe. Nowwhen we baneproceeded thus farre,and haue as it were laid our fingervpon theright andproper caufeofour (icknes,three things concerning our ínnes muff be performedofvs in ficknes. Firff we mull make a new examination ofour hearts and liues,and fay as the ifralites laid inafiliaion,Letvsfearehand tryLam 3 4nß our.waies, and tnrneagainc to the lord.Second ly we mull make anew con. fellion toGod ofour newand particular ínnes,as Cod fends new correâi. ons and challifinents.When Dauid had thehand ofGod veryheauie vpon pjal him for h- nes',lo as hisvery bones and minute confit,ned within him, he made confeflion ofthemvnto God , and therupon obtainedhis pardon, andwas healed .The third thing is tomake newpraier andmoreearnefi thé euer befbrc,with (ighes andgroves of the fpirir,and that for pardon ofthe fame finnes,& forreconciliationwith God inChrif$.In theexercifeofthefe three duties flandes the renovation ofour faith and repentance whereby they are iacreafed>quickned and revived, And the moreficknes prevailes & takes place in thebody, the more fhouldwe be careful' to put them invre: thatfpirituall lifemight ìncreafe as temporall life is decaied, When King