Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Z$ The right wily Lordthat f nt mebieforeyest.Markehere how Ioîeph isarmed 3 gaina impa. trertce and griefBanddifcontentment by thevery confideration ofGocis pro- uidence: and fo in thefamemanner (hall webe confirmedagain(' all fares- and forrowes,and faywith Dacid,`Prcti.ousixthe fight ofthe Lordis the death of Saints: ifthis perfwafionbe once Ceded inour hearts,that all things in ficknes and deathcome to paflfevhtovs by theprouidenceofGod, who turnes all things to the good ofthem that louehim. The fecond meditation is to be borrowed from the excellent pro mife Apac.t4,t3. thatGodmade to the deathoftherighteous :.which is, Blefjèdare they¿bat die to t ie. Lord,for they'reff prom their labbrlrs,ßnd theirworks follow them-,.The author oftruth that can not lie bath fpoken ir. Now then kt a +Han but tho- roughly confider-this that death ioyned with reformed life bath a !Nonlife ofbleflcdncs adioyned vnto ir, and it alonewill be a lufficient means to flay therageofour affe&ions,and ail inordinate feare of death : and the rather,if wer:rarke whereiothis bleffednes confitis.In.deathwe are indeed thruff out ofourold, dwellingplaces,n:aniely.thefe hooksof clay and earthly taberna- clesofour bodies,wherein we haue made long abode:but what is theend' furely that liuing and dying inChrifl, we might haue a building giuen of a.0ono. o.t God, houfe not made with hands, but eternal' inheauens,which is vnfpeakable and immortal( glory.ifa poore man fhouldbecommanded by a Protce:toput off his torne and begged), garments, and inhead thereofto put onroyall and cofily robes, it would be a great rev-Icing tohis heart : oh then :what joyful! Hewes mutt this bevnto ail repentant & iorowful {inners, when-theKingof heauen and earth comes vmo them bydeath and biddes them laydowne theirbodies as ragged and patched garments,and prepare themfeluesto put on the princely robeofimmortahtie?No tongue canbea- bic to expreffe the excellencieof this croft bleffed and happie eflate. The third meditation is borrowed from the eflate of all them that are in Chrili,whetherliuing or dying.He thatdieth belceuing inChrifl,dieth not forthof010 but in him,hauing both his bodie and fault really coupled to Chriff according to the tenour ofthe couenant ofgrace : and though after death bodie and foule beteuered one from another, yet neitherofthem are ,.feuered or difiovnedfromChrifi. The coniun6tion which isonce begun in this life remaines eternally . And therefore though the foule goe from the bodie , and the bodie it felfe rotte in the graue, yet both are 6ì1l inChrifi, both in thecouenant, both in the fauourof God as before death, andboth íhall againebe ioyned toguhcr; the bodie bythevertue ofthe former con- une}ionbeeing railed to eternali life. Indeed if thisvnìonwith Chrifl were diflòiued as the coniuntionofbodieand fouleis,it might be famematterof difcomfort and feare,but the foundation and fubfianceofour myflicall con- iun ionwithChrifibothinrefpeaof our bodies and foulesenduring for euer,muf}needesbe a matter of excecdingioy andcomfort. The fourth meditation is,that Godpath promifed his fpecial,bleffed,and 4,0enFortable prefeneéunto his feruants whenthey arefake or dying.or any way