30 the right am/ though it bedefpifed ofmany as a thingvnprofitable & needles, yet mull it becfleemed as an ordinance&bleífingofGod.This appeares, becaufe the fp'sritofGodhath givenapprobation veto it in the Scriptures. When it was z.King.t;7. the good pleafure ofGod to reflore lifevntoking Ezckias,a lump ofdrie figs by the Prophets appointment waslaid tohisboile & hewas healed.Indeed this curewas in Tome fort miraculous , becaufe he was made whole in the èial,l.s. deart. (paceoftwo or three dales,& the third day heaven: vp to the temple: yet the eurstiV,r.a,7. bunch offigs wasa natural &ordinariemedicine or plaifler feruing tofoften &ripen tumours or fwellings in the flefh. And the Samaritane is cpmended Luk.1o.4, lot the bindingvp& for the powring in oEwiuc atidoylc into the wounds of the man that.lay wounded between lerufalë &Ierico. Now this dealingof ¡V llefdefera his was a right praEtife ofphyficke : for thewine ferued to clenCe the wound tbiloí:c. 8. & to eafethcpainwithin : & the oile feruedto fupple the flefh &to aflwage thepain v' ithout.And the Prophet Efai ¡Canes to cómend thisphyfick,whê Eia,t,d. he faith,From thefole ofthefoot there isnothtngwhole therein, but woundsand farellingr,4ndfore$full ofcorruption : they haste not hin wrappednor bound nor mollifiedwirh oile.And whereas God did not comand circúcifon ofchildren beforethe eight day, he followed a ruleofphyfickobferuedin all ages, that thelife ofthechild isveryvncerten till the firll feuen daies beexpired,as we may fee by the exampleof the child which Dauidhad by Bathfabewhich .,lrifl,de bill, died the feuenth day. And vpon the very fame ground heathen men vied an:m411.7.c.1. nottoname their childrenbefore theeight day.Thus then it is manifefl that thevfeofphylcke is lawful!and commendable. Furthermore , that phyficke may be well applied to the maintenanceof health , fpeciall care mull behad to make choife of fuck phyfitians as are knowne to be well learned,andmenofexperience, as anofgood conici- ence &good religion .For as in other callings,fo in this alfe,thcre befundry abufes which may indanger the hues &the health ofinen.Some ventervpô the bare inlpeá1ion ofthe vrine, withoutfurther diredïion or knowledgeof Poro.devrin, the¿tate ofthe fick,toprefcribe &minitìeras that feemeheft vntothé.But iodic i 1ió.3. the learned in this facultie do plainlyauouch,rhat thiskind ofdealing tends Long.l.z.ep. 40, rather to kill then to cure;& that fundriemen are indeed killed thetby.For iudgernent by thevrine is moll deceitfull :the waterofhim that is ficke ofa pef:ilent feauer euen unto death,looks for fubflace & colour as the water of a whole man :& fodoth the water ofthê that are Fick of a quartane orofa- ny other intermitting feauer;fpecially ifthey haue vied good diet fro" the be- ginning:asalto ofth that haue thepleurefe,or the infláma.tionofthe ligs, or theSquinancie,ofrentimes when they are nere death. Now then conf- dering the waters oftitch as are at the pointofdeath,appears as thevrines cf haile& found mé,one& the fame vrine may forefignifie both life & death, &be a figneofdiuers,nayofcontrarie difeaies. A thin,crude,& pale vrine in them thcbe inhealth, is a tokenofvvant ofdigeflion.,but in them that are lickofa (harpe or burning ague,it betokens the frenfie,& is a corten iigneof cleath.Again,othcrs therebe that think it a 1mal matter tomakeexperimCts taftheirdeuifed medicines vpon the bodies of their patients,vvhereby the