of yin well health vvhich they hoped for is either much hindered or much decaied. Thirdly,there beothers vvhich mini(fer nophyfickat any time, or vf: phle- botomie vvithout thedire&ionofiudicialAffrology :butifthey lhalfollovv this courfe aivvaies,theymull needskil many a man. Put thecafe that aman ful bodied is takevvith a plcurefie,the moone being inLeone, vvhat muff be don?The learned in this art fad=,hemuff prefently be let blood.but byA(frotl logic a (faymull bemade,rilthe moon be temooued fró Leo the houfe of the iunae:binby that time theirnpofhime wil be fomuch increafed by the ga- theringtogitherofthehumours,that it can neither be diliòlued nor ripened: & by this wearies the lickpartic wanting help in time,íhail dieeither by in- fiâtation,or by the confumptionofthelungs. Againe,vvhen aman is ticke ofthcSquinancie,orofthe feauer called Synachrii,themoone then being in zang.f.c.eP.3t, malignant afpeets with any of the infortunate planets(as Afirologersvie see Ganivet. co fpeak)filettingofblood bedeferred rill the moonebe freed from the fore- ripscalled 4 faid afpe&s,the partie dies in the tneanefeafon. Therefore they are far wide m:c smedic. that minifler purgations & let blood no otherwifethen they are counfellcd by theconflitutionofthe ularres,wherasit is a far better courfe tocóiderthe matter ofthedifeafe,wirh thedifpofiti6 &ripeningofit;as alío thecourfes& fymptoms & cries thereo£This being fo,there is good caufc thatficke men fhouldas.well be careful!to make choife ofmeet Phyfitians towhomethey might commend the careofthcir health,as they are careful! tomakechoife oflawyers for their worldly fuits,andDiuinesfor cafesofconfcience. Furthermore,all menmuff herebewarned totake heed,that they vie not fuckmeanes as hauenowarrant. Ofthiskinde areall charmes or fpells, of what words foe= theyconfif}: chars&ers & figures either in paper, wood, or waxe :al! amulets & ligaturess.which ferue tohangabout the neckeor o. tier parts ofche bodic, except they be groundedvponTomegoodnatural! reafon;aswhitepeoniehungabouttheneck,isgoodagainfithefallingfick. a a's,6. drev nest&woolf-dung tied tothe bodic is a goodagaiinfi the collicke, notbya- nyinchantment,buc by inward venue. ©therwife they are all vaine and fu. perf}icious:becaufeneither by creacion,nor by anyordinate inGodsword, haue they any power tocure a bodily difcafe. For words can doe nomore but fignifie,and figures can doe nomore butreprefent. And yet nuertheles thefe vnlawfull andabfurdmeans are more vied and fouoht for ofcommon people,then goodphyficke. But it ffands all men greatly inhand in no wife to feeke forth to inchanters,and forcerers, which indeed are but witches & wizzirds, though theyare commonlycalledcunning men andwomen. It were better for a man to die of his ficknes,then to feeke recouerie by fuch wickedperfons.Forifanyturne after[itchae work! with ifiirits,andafterfooth- Leu.so . fuiert,t oglean trhoringafter them,the Lordwill hipfaceagain11 them,andcut them offfrom among hispeople.WhenAchazía wasfick,hc fent toBaalzebub to the god ofEkron to knowwhetherhe fhould recoueror no:a:themeffen- gets weregoing,the Prophet Elias metthem,and laid, goeandretturnetothe ,,King r 4, king trhichfcrrtrars,andfadvilehi,, ,Thmefaith theLord,!: it not becauf there 11 is