n two efpeciail duties ofthePhyfitian himfelfe. Thefirtî is , that in thewant and defeiioffuch as are to put ficke men in mindeoftheir Climes, it is a du- tie fpeciallyconcerning him,he besing amember dada, toaduertife his patients that theymutt trulyhumble themfelues, andpray feruently toGod for thepardonofall their firmest and freely this dttciewouldbe more com- monly prae$ifed then it is, ifall phyfitiansdidconfiderthat oftentimes they wantgood fucceflc in their dealings, not becaufe there is anywant in art or good will,but becaufe thepartie with whome they deale is impenitcnt.The fecond dude is, when hefees tnanifeft fignesofdeath in his patient, notto depart concealing thcm,but firft ofall tocertifie the patient thereof. There naaybeand is too much nicenes in fuch concealernents,and theplain truth in this cafeknown,isveryprofitable.Forwhé thepartieiscertenofhisend, it bermeshimofal1 côfidence inearthly things,&makeshimput all his af- filce in the tracer mercyofGod. WhcEzechias was fick,theProphet fpeaks plainely tohim, & faith, Set thine hos#feinorder:forthanmgdie. And what good we may reapeby knowing certély that wehauereceiuedthe fentêce ofdeath,Paul fheweth when he faith, Wereceivedthefinanceofdeathincur a,Cer<t.r: f lr4es,hensufereelhould notmill in ourfelnes,bot in Çodwhichraifeth the deed. Hailing thus feene what be theduties ofthe fickeman to himfelfe, let vs now fee what be thedutieswhichheowcth to his neighbour; and they are two.The farftisthedutie ofreconciliation,wherbyheis freely toforgiue all men,& to deuieto be forgiuenofall. In the old Tcflamentwhen amanwas tooffer a bullockeor lambein facrificeto God, he mualeaue his offeringat the alcar,& firago& be reconciled to his brethren,ifthey hadought againfl him : much more then muff this be done, when weare in death tooffer vp our felucs,ourbodies,& foules, as an acceptable facrificc vnto God..Quef?. What ifa mancannot come to the (peachof themwithwhome hewould be reconciled; or ifhedoe,whatiftheywill not be reconciled. eAInf.When any (hall in their ficknes (ecke and defire reconciliation , andcannot ob- taineit,either becaufc the partiesare abfent,or becaufe theywill not relent, they haue difcharged their confcience, and God will accept their will for theirdeede.As put cafe,a man lying fick onhis death bed,isat enmitiewith one that is then beyond the fea; foas he cannotpoflibly haue any (peach withhim,ifhewouldneuer fofame, how (hail he flayhis minde ? why, he mullrememberthat in thiscafe,awill anddefrre tobe rcconciled,isrecon- ciliationit felfe. The feconddude is,that thofewhich are rulersand gouernoursofothers, mua haue careand take orderthat their charges committed tothé byGod, be leftin goodeflate aftertbcirdeath:&here come three duties tobehand led;the lidIofthe Magiflrate, thefec6doftheMiniler, the thirdofthenaa- f erofthe fanailie.The 1agitltates dudeis,beforehedie to prouide asmuch as hecanfor thegodly& peaceable dilateofthe towne,citic, orcommon- wealth:& that is done partlybyprocuring themaintenáce offoundreligion &vertue,&partly by eílabli(hingoftheexecutiôofeiuilliuílice&outward C 3 peace,.