King z. Pet<t.r5. , fa38,t. ;tn.r7, ndas. 44 Therifbt ray peace.Examplesofthis praniCe inGodsword are there. WhenMores was anhundred and twentteyearc old, and was nomoreable to goe in and out before the peopleofIliad, he called them before him,and fignified that the timeofhis departure was at hand, and thereupon Cooke order fat their wel- fare after his death.And firá ofall he placed Iofita ouer them in his flead,to be their guide to the prom ifed land: fecondiy he giues fpectalt charge to all the people, to bevaliant andcouragious againtî theirenemies,and to obey the commádementsofGd.And.Iofua follows the fame courtè.Forhecalls thepcopletogither, and fltewesthem thatthetimeofhisdeathisathand, andglues them a chargeto becouragious., and to wo (hip the true God : which done,heends his daics as a worthie captaine. Whenking Dauid was togot the way ofall ficfli,and lay fac kc on his deathbedde; he placed his ovine Tonne Salomonupon his throne, Sr giues him charge,both tor main. tenance of rcligion,and exequutionof iuffice. Thedune ofM,niflers when they are dying is,as much as they can, to cafi & prouide for the continuanceof the goodetlareof theChurch otter which they are placed.Confidet the example of Peter : / wr''(iaith he) :ndeaasottr at avdaies,that yenl fö mar beable to bane re mernbranceof theft things aftermy de- partttre. Ifthis had bin well obferued, there could not haue bin filch abun- dance of fciemes, errours, and bridles as hath bin, and the Church ofGod could not haue fuffered fèogreat hatiocke. But beçaufemen haue hadmore care tomaimaine perfonall iucceffion,then the right fucceffìon,which fláds in the doótrine ofthe Prophets and Apoffles; therefore wolues haue come into the roomesoffaithfull teachers, & the ApoUaleofwhichPaul fpeakes, hathouerfpread the face ofthe Church. Thirdly,houfholders muff fet their faro ilies inorder before theydie,as the Prophet Ef ai faith to Ezechiah,Set thine horsfeinorder:farthoru ?nag die. For theprocuringof good order in the familie after death, two things are tobe done. The firfl concernes this life,and that is to difpofe of lands and goods. And that this may bewell and wifelydone; if the Will be vnmade,it is with godly aduifeand counfell tobe made in the time officknes;according to the pra6tife ofancient and worthie men. Abraham before his death makes his Will,and giues legacies:fo did lfaac;and Jacob, inwhole lati will and tefla- ment are contained many worthic bleffìngs and prophecies of the efface of his children. AndChritf our Saviour when he was vpon the crolle prouidcd for his mother, fpecially commending her to his difciple Iohn whome he loved. And indeede this dune ofmaking a will, is a matterofgreat might and importance : for it cutsoff much hatredand contention in families, and flaies many fuits in law.Itis not therefore alwaies a matter ofindiffèrencie, whichmay be doneor notdone,as many falfly thinke,who vponblind and finiffer refpe6s abflaine from making wills, either becauietheir wealth fhouldnot be knowne, or becaufè they would haue their decaicd efface to beconcealed; or becaufe they feare they (hall die the fooner iratewill be once made, Now