ofd,¡ngtreli. 45 Now though the makingof VVills belong to another place and profef- fio: , vet fo much may be fpoken here as the holy Ghaft bath vttrrcd in the word:& that Iwil reduce tocertaine rules. The firft is, that thewill mull be made accordingto the law ofnature,and thewritten wordofGod, and the goodandholcfome pofitive laws of that kingdome or cuntry whereof a man is amember. The will of-Godmuft be the rule ofmans will. And therm forethe will that is made againfl any ofehefè, is faultie . The fecondis, that ifgoods euïll gottenbe not reíloredbefore ,theymufl cuen thenbe reflcred by will,or by tome ocher way. It is the praelifèofcouetous meto bequeath theirfoules when they die to God,and theirgoodseuiIl gotten to their chip drat andfriends; which in allequitie fhould be reflored to them to whom they belong.F?àtef. How ifa tr:ansconfcience tell him that his goods be c. null gotten,andhe knowesnot where,or to whom tomakereflitution. 4nf The ca leis common , and the anfwcr is this . When the partie is knowne whom thou hall wronged, reflore to him particularly : ifthepartie be vn- knowne,or dead, reflore tohisexecutors and aflignes,or to his nextkinne; iftherebe none,yet keepe notgoods euill gotten to thy felfe, but reflore to ÇCod,that is, in wayofrecompence and civili fatisfadtion, beflowethemon the Churchor commb- wealth,The third ruleis, that heads offamilies muff principallybeflowetheir goods vpon theirownechildren and them that be oftheirowne kindred . This man (faith Clod toAbraham ofEleazar a flranger)fhallnot bethine hhere, 6sst,,jhefonne whichfhall come ofthy loynes. & Gen.J5'.4 this wasGods commaundement to thelfraelites, that when any man dies, his forme fhould be his heyre, and ifhe had noe fonne,then his daughter: and ifhe haue no daughter, thenhis brethren: and ifhe haue nobrethren, Num,2.7.8, u then his fathers brethren:and if there be none,then the next ofhis kinne whofoeuer. And Paulfaith,lfye befonnes,thendffoheyres: And againe,HeRom .8.17, that provides notforhis ovine, andnamelpfor them ofhis haufhold, is warfe then 1,Tím.f,8. an infidel. Therefore it is a fault for any man toalienate his goods or lands, whollyand finally fromhis blood and pofleritie. It is a thingwhich theve- Plato de Rep. r lawofnacure it felfebath condemned . Againe it is a fault to iue all to ¡b''' Y l; g .r1rßpol.t.F. theeldefl, andnothing in refpeeì to theref; as though theeldell wereborn sap, s. to be gentlemen, andyongerbrethrenborne to beare the wallet. Yet in e- quity the eldeft mutt haue more then any;cuen becaufe he is theeldefl,and becaufe flocks and families in their perfons are tobe maintained ; and be- caufe there nnuft alwaies be fonne that mutt be fit rodoe fpeciall feruice in the peaceofthecommonweale ,or in the rime of wane : which could not be,ifgoods fhould be equally parted to all.The fourth and lafl rule is,that no Willis of force till the cefiatour be dead, for io longas he is aliriehe may eb,9.1a. alter and change it. Trefe rulesmull be reiuembred,becaufe theyare recor. tied in Scripture;the openingof other points and circumflances belongeth to theprofe1on ofthe law. Thefeconddutieofthe maflerofthe fam¡lie concerneth the foules of fuck qbevuder hisgovernernent; and that is to giuccharge to .rhem, that they C 4 learne