111110ft, of dyingwell.- 47 ned on the toppe of his flaffe byreafonofhis fecblenes, &praiedvntoGod: which praietofhis was an excellent frtritofhis faith.Iobswife in themidfl Hebr.rt.az. of his affliction (aide vnto him to verygood purpofe, Blolle god and die. I Iob z.9 know andgrant that the words are commonly tranflated othetwife, Corte . Gotlanddie:but(as I take it)the former is thebell. For it is not like that in fo excellent a familie, anyoneperfon much leffe a matroneand principali go- uernour thereofwould giue fuch lewd&wretched counfel: which the moll wicked man vpon earthhatingnomore but the light ofnature wouldnot once giue,but rather' muchabhorre and condemne. And though Iob call her afoolrfh woman, yet hedoth it notbecaufeThee went about to períwade him toblafphemeGod; but becaufe fhe was oftheminde oflobs friends, hDojltbomeon, and b thought that he flood tomuch in a conceit ofhis ownerighteoufnes. timieyetiii Now theeffea.and meaningof hercounfell is this : 731efe God, that is hus- shine vprigbs band,no doubt thouart by theextresnitieofthine affliEtion at deaths dore : taes,v.q. thereforebeginnenowat length to lay afide thegreat ouerweening which thou hail of thineovvne ri;hteoufnes,acknowledge thehand of Godvpon thee for thy fumes, confeffe them vntohim gluing him the glorie, pray for the pardonofthernandendethydaies.This counfcll is verygood and robe followedofall: though it may be the applyingofit(as Iob well perceived) is mixed with follie. Here it may be alledged that in the pangsofd.cath menwant their fenfes and conuenientvtterance, and that therefore they are vnabletopray. AV. Thevery fighes, fobbes, and gronesofa repentant and bcleeuing heart are praiers before God, cuen as effeéfuall as if theywere vtrered by thebell voice in theworld. Praier flands in the affe 1ionofrheheart,thevoiceisbut an outwardmeffenger thereof. God lookes not vpon the fpeach but vpon the heart.Dauid faith,Godhearestbedefires ofthePoore : againe, that ke rill Pfalao.17. falftll thedefinesofthem thatfearehirn: yea their very teares arcloud & foun- 8c145.19._ ding praiers ih his cares. Againe,faith may otherwife beexpreffedby the Laf wordr,which for the molt part in them that haue truly ferued,arevery excellent and comfortable and full ofgrace: Tome choife examples whereofi will rehearfe for-inflru- anions fake and For imitation. The laffwordcs ofIacob were thole where- Gen.49. by as aProphet he foretold bleflings and curies vponhis children: and the principal) amongthereft were thefe,Thef epterj7,all not depart ?yam, laadah, verLro, arrdtheIats°gísacrfrom bet;'eenehis feete till Shafo come: and, O Lord,!haue ver118 . waited for thy f lsaation. The lafl wordes ofMoles are his moll excellent long ferdowne Deuter.chap.3 2. and the lall words ofDauid were thcfe, Thejpiri:oftheLerdgiakeby:yre,andht vvord vvvasin my tongue: the godofz.Sa z3 I aelfj:ake to me, the/1rengthofIfael faide, Beare rsaleoaer men, 0;c. The wordesof Zacharias thebonne oflehoida, when he was fìoned were,Thc z.Chr.7rzz. LordLocke vpon itandrequrreit. The fart words ofourSataiourChrih when he was dying vpon the crofle,aremofladmirable,and floredwith abundáce offpirituall grace. i. To his father he faith , Farber, forgive therm, they Luk.a3.: .