Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

42 7herigidway Vcrf4;. k.1ozv not what theydoe. 2. to thechide, Versly 1fayvr:ta thee, this night ¡taft thanbe withmein Paradife. 3. to his mother,c.. 2atber,bthold thy'nee :andto Toh.t9. 26,x7. Iohu,behold thy mother. 4. and in his agonie, My God, my God,why !.anti thou Math.27.46, forfakenme. 5. andearnet$ly defiting our faluation,lthirfl. 6. and when he ¿ i o. had made perfe6 fatisfa6ìion, tit ft.nil?tea. 7. and when bodie and foule Luk.i ;.48. were parting,Father,into thy hands Icormmendmy tpirit. The 1afl: wordes of A41.9.5 6. Steuenwere, I. Behold ifeetheheanens open andthefamineofman flandinc at 59. the right handof .God. a. Lord lefu recetue my sprit. 3. Lordlay not this /nine 60. to their charge. OfPolycarpe,Thara arta true Godwit bout lying,therefore in all Eu)..3 `e 30. things 1prai f thee,etná bleffe thee, andglorifie theeby theeternali Godand /eióh .Prsefi IefvuChrífl thine onely belorsedTonne, by whomeand mathwhometo thee and theholy Spirit,be allglorienowandfor euer. OfIgnatius , I care notwhat kÉndeofdeath Idie: 1anrthebreadofthe Lordandmugbe4romsdwith the teeth oflyons,that Imay be cleane breadfar Chri(l who is the breed oflifefor me. Of Paulineu in Ambrofe, Ibane notfo ledmy bfeamongpit at ífIwereafnprrned tolisae:neither vita elia. doe 1 feare death,becaufa we haue agood Lord. Of Auguíiinc,t .We ii nagreat man that thinker it agreat nutter that treesandflowsfat and m.artallmen die. 2. Isflart thau,O Lord,.andrighteotu it thy indáement. Of Bernard, I. n Toffid.invita admonition to his brethren that they wouldground theanchoroftheir faithand 4ug`calr'8' hope in thefife ..zndfuteportofGods rnercie. a. Recauf(faith he)as fasppofe I can not léauevsstoyoas any ehoifeea-ample ofreligion, t commend three things to beimitatedofyon , which I remember that Ibaneobferued in the racewhich I harmmine ae muchatpoilibyIcould. r.Igaueleleheed to mine ozonef nfeand reafan then to the fenfeand reafonofother men. 2. WhenIwits hurt 'fought a not renengeon him ,that didthehurt. 3. I had care togitte pence to no man,andif it fellout otherwife,I tooke it away as I could: OfZwinglius,when in the field he was woundedvnder the chinnewith a fpeare: O what happe is this?goe to, Ofrvold.Mycon. they may killmybodie but myfoule they can not. Of Oecolatnpadius, t . An ex- hortation to theminaerr ofthe Church to maintains the puritie ofdoL'lrine, to fiacwfarthanexample ofhoucfl awlgodlyconuerfation,tobe confiant n:d patient vider thecrofJ. 2. Ofhim felfe,Whereat Iana charged to be a corrupterofthe truth,I weigh it not; now Iamgaing to the tribtnallafChrrfi and that withgood confcienceby thegrace ofgod, and there itfhall bemanifef that Ihauenotfedu- ced theChurch.Ofthismy rayingand conte(fation,lleaueyou as witueffes, andI conftrmeit with thismyla(lbreath. 3. Tohis children,losueGodthefather : and turning hirc1èlfeto hiskinsfolkes: L4ancboundyou(faithhe)with this con- reflateon: y ou(whichtheyheare and Ihauedefsred)ßtall doeyour indeauour, that theftmy childrenmaybegodly,andpeaceable,and trr,e.4. to his friendc6ming veto him , What ,Mall Ifay vnto you? Newes,Ißtall befhortly withChssfl my Lord. 5. beeing asked whether the light did not trouble him , touchinghis breaff,r here is figft euorih, faith he.6.he rehearfed the whole oneand fiftie '1.?falme with deepe fighes from the bortomeof his brea(i. 7. a little after, ."gttemeLord Ief.-es. Of-Luther, v'y heauenyFather, God andfatherofour Lardlef dsChríftandÇadofat` comfort/giuctheethatkrtbatthouhx /lretsear. had