Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofdyingwell. /edvnfome thyfornse7efits Chrtfl,whome Ihave beleeved,sthorne Ihatieprofel: jed,whomeIbane loited,whomeIbane praifed,whome the Br(hop ofRome and the whole compante cfrhewiekedperfecoteth and rernleth. ¡pry thee my Lord leper ChrOreceitie my Poorefoule: myheauenlyfinher,thongh1 betaken fionrthii life, and chid belie of mtne it tobe laiddowne,yet I know certenly that I fliallremaine with theefor e4er,nCi!heTfhliiiaYJ be able t o pameout of hy hand. OfHooper, o lordLeliafmne ofDattidhaue mercie onmeand receivemyforile. OfAnnas Burgius.Forfitke me not,0 lord,leall I forfake thee. OfMelaneihon, lfit kethe will ofgod,1 an., willing to die, andI befeech him that hewiggraunt me a ioffrall departure. OfCalv ine, IA heldmy tongue,becaufe :boa lord haft done it. 2. I movrnedar adone. 3 . Lord thougrindellme to powder,bot ttfiiffice:h mebecanfe il ù thine hand.01 Peter Martyyhat bu bootie was weake,bnthis mind 614 wet: that he acknorole-ged ne fife orfiltiationbut cnclywChrtft who wac ginenofthe father tobe a redeemer ofmanktnde : and whenhe had confirmed this bytali- monie 0 fScripture,he added : 745 ismyfaith inwhichlwilldie: and Godwill deflroy them that teachotherrotfe. This done, he fbooke hands with all and faid,F;vervellmy brethren anddeare friends. It were eafie toquote more 00:- pies , but thefe fewe may be in head of many: and the fumme ofall that godly men fpeake, is this. Sonic enlightned with a propheticallfpirit fore- tell things to cozne , as the Parriarks Jacob and lofephdid and therehaue binCome ,AInch by name haue teatfied who fhouldvery fhottly comeafter 2 them, andwho fhould rernaine aliue, and what fbould be their condition : fotnehaue Chewed a wonderfull memorie ofthings pal+, as ofthe ir former life,and ofthebenefits ofGod; and no doubt it was gitten them to air revp holyaffeaions and thankfgiuing to God: Come againe rightly Judgingof the change ofthcir preens eflate forabetter, doereioyce exceedingly that theymu( be tr5fl2tedFromearth toparadifeias Babylas MartyrofAnti och whenhis head was to bechopped og Returne(faithhe)0 rode volt° thy reft: becauft theLordhuh blefedthee: lecavli thou haft deliveredmyfouleporn Pfal.".738. dearh,mine eyesfro P7,1 tearcs,andmyfoote fromfalling,' fhall wakebefore thee le- horia in the landof the ittii,vg. And Come others fpeake of the vanitie ofthis life,ofthe imaginationof the forrovvesof tieath,ofthebeginnings ofeterna3 'life,ofthecomfort of the holy Ghoa which they feele , of their departure vnto Chriff. Oueji. What mufl wethink ifin the time ofdeath filch fpeaches be wa- ring; and in the Read thereofidle talke bevied. a.,,Inf.We mull cOnfider the kinde officknes whereofmen die, whether it he more catie or violent: for violent fickneffe is vrually accompanied with frenfies,and withvnfeetriely motions and geflures,which weare to take in goodpart even in thisTegard, becaufe weour felues may be in the likecafe. Thus much ofthe firti dutie which is to die infaith : the fecond is to die in obedience: otherwife our death cannot be acceptable toGod, becaufe we feeme to come vino God offare and conflraint as flaues toa mallet, andnot ofloue as children to a father. Now to die in obedience is, when a man