5o Theruht way man is willing andrcadie and defiroustogoe out ofthis worldwhenfoeucr God !hail call hirn,and that without murmuring orrepining, at what time, Re: 14 whete,andwhen it !hall plcafc God. Whether we hueordie,faithPaul,we ,8. doe itnot to our flues but vnto God; and thereforemans dutieisto beet. bcdient.toGod in deathas in life. Chrifi is our examplein this cafe, who in his agonie praied,Farher,let thrc cupperfJefromme,yet with a fubmìtiiid,eot my will bot thy will bedone: teachingvsin theverypangs ofdeath to refìgne our felues to the good pleafureof God. When theProphet told KingEzechiah ofdeath,prefcntly without all mannerofgrudging orrepining he addre Fred Mint-rife topraier. We are commaunded to prelim our felues untoGod as free -will offerings, without any limitationoftime, and therefore as well in death as in life. I conclude thenthat weare tomake asmuch confcience in performing obedience togod in fuf Bring death, as we doe ofanyconici cure in thecourfe ofour lines. The third dutie is to rendervpour Conies into the hands ofGod, as the moP faithful! keeper ofall. This is the Leff dude ofaChriffian, and it ispre- fctibcd veto vs in theexample ofChrift vpon the croffe, who in thevery Lak.a;. pangs ofdeathwhen the diffolutionofbodie and route drew on faid,F4ther, intothine handsI coV mendmy .ifárit, and fogaue vp the gheui. The likewas A& donebySteaten,who whenhe was f}oned todeath,faid,Lord leftuureceirseml pfai.3r.f, f irát.And Dauid inhis life time beingindanger ofdeathvied thevery farne words thatChriff vttered. Thus we fee what be the duties which we are to perfumein thevery pangsofdeath;that we maycome to eternal! life. Some manwill happily fäy,Ifthis be alhtodie in faith and obedience and to furrenderourfoules in. to godshand,wewill not greatly care forany preparation before hand,nor trouble our felues much about the right maner ofdyingwell; for wedoubt not, but that when death (hall come, we (hall be able to performa all the - former duties withcafe. Aef: Let no man deceiue himfelfe by any falleper- fwation, thinking with himfelfe that thepradife of theaforefaid duties isa matter ofeafe: for ordinarily theyare not, neither can they beperformed in death,vnlcs there bemuch preparation in the life before.He that will die in faithmuff fir(}ofall liueby faith : and there is but one example in all the bi. bleofa mandying in faith thathued without faith; namely, the thiefe vpon thecroffe. The feruants ofGod that areendued withgreat meafireofgrace doe veryhardlybcleetre in the timeofaffliaion. Indeed when lob was afíii- ¿led heraid ,Thoragh the Lordkill me, yet wi.'1 I truf in hÉaer: vet afierward,his faith beringouercafl with a cloud, he faith, that God was become his anemic, and thathe had fethim gsa rnarlks tsJ7octeat: and fundrie times his faith was. oppreffed with doubtinganddiaruU. How then thai! they that neuerhued byFaith nor inured themfelues tobelecue, be able in the pangofdeath to seavpon the mercieofgod. Againe,he that would die inobedience, muff firaofall lead his life in obedience: he that bath hued indiîobediencecan not willingly and in obedienceappeare before the fudgeWhen heiscitedby death