_pîg éet.. 5 z death the fargeant oftheLord:be dies indeede, but that is vpon necefiritie, becaufe ire mull yeeld to the orderarid courfe of nature as other creatures doe. Thirdly,he that would furrenderhis foule into thehands ofGod muff bercfolved oftwo things: the one is that God can;theother is, that God willrcceiue his foule intoheaven and there preferueit cil the laft iudgmét. And none can berefolued ofthis,except he haue the fpirit ofGod to cettifi his confcience that he is redeemed,iu1ìfied,fan6}ìfied by Chrif},andfhal be glorified. Hethat is not thus perfwaded , darenot render vp andprefent his fouleuntoGod. WhenDruid Paid, Lord into thy hander Icommendmyfprrit; Pfa1,3i. s what was the reafon of thisboidnefein him?furelynothingels but theper- fwatïon of faith,as the next words import:for thou haft redeemed me,OLorde Godof truth. And thus it is manifea, that no manordinarily can petforme theft duties dying,that bathnot performedthem lining. Thisbeingfo, I doe againe renewmy former exhortation , befeeching you that ye would prad}ife the duties of preparation in the courfe of your liues ,leading them daily in faith and obedience , and frorn time to time commendingyour foules into thehand ofGod,and e afling all your worker vpon hisprouidence. Theywhich hauedone this , haue made molt happy and blefícd ends.Enoch by faith walked withGod,as one that was alvvaies inhis pretence,leading an vpright and godly life , and theLorde tooke. him a- 1rlcb.t,,5. rosy that hefhouldnotfee death. And this which befell Enoch,íhall after a fort befall them alfo that line in faith and obedience : becaufe death (Ianbe no death but a fleepevnto them, and no enemie but afriend tobody and foule. On thecontrary let vsconfider the wretched and rniferable ends -of them that haue fpcnt their daies in their finnes without keeping faith andgood có. fcicnce. The peopleoftheolde world were drowned incite flood:the filthy Sodomites andGomorrheans weredeflroied with fire fromheauen : Dathá and Abiram with the company of CoreCwailowed upofthe earth , Core hirn.felfe(as it feemcs*by the text)beinggburnt with lire : wicked Saul and *Ngm.,ß, Ptal,r o6.r Achitophel andJudas defiroy themfclues.Herod is eaten up ofworn:es & gale vp theghafi:Iulianthe Apof}ata fmittenwith a dart in the fielde, died caítingvp his blood into the aire andbisiphetning the nameofChrif}. Arius the hereticke died upon the floole fcouring forth his very entrals,;Andthis very age afoords fiore of like examples. Hofíìneiaiera peace Papif}, as he rll ric. de a"c was going to the conncilof Ts,alisbonetodifputeagaint } the deffders of the Gofpell , wasfuddenly in his Tourneyprevented by the hand of i7od , and miferably diedwith horrible roaring, St crying out iutheVniverfitie of La- vaine,c;uarlaeusa learnedPapif} falling ficke,when -he perceived no Eáay with him but death, he fell into amiferable agony and perturbation oïfpi. Foxe if 001,,e of rit,cryingoutofhis finnes hovvmiferably hehadhued ,and that he was not aé >t men, able to abide the ituígernenc ofGod, and fo caffing out wordes of rn_lfera; bledefperation faid,his finnes weregreater then they could be pardoned:, and in that defperatico ended his dates. tacotus Latr°onus ofthe fame Voi- v tlïtie of Lovaire after that he had b ,ne at Brnxels, and there t! Tapir* to doe