Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

5 ?* d t9CrigyJl wpty doe a great ad againfl Lutherand his fellowes, made anoration before the Etnperour fo foolifhlyand ridiculoufiythat he was laughed to fcorne al- molt ofthe wholecourte: then returning from thence to Lovaine againe, in his publike leAure he fell intoopen madnefe,uttering fuch words of def. peration and blafphemous impietie,that other divines which werepref& were faine to carrie him away ashe was raving,and to (hut him intoadore chamber. From that time to his very 1a + breath , he had never any thing eis inhis mouth but that hee wasdamned andrcieded ofGod, & that tiler wasno hope offalvation forhim , becaufe that wittingly and againf: his knowledghewithftoode the manifefl truth ofGods word . Crefcentiais the ieid.1ib.23. Popes Legate andvicegerent in the Council of Trent was fitting all the daylonguntilldarke night in writingofletters to the Pope: after his labour when night was come , thinking to refrefh himielffe,he began to rife and at his rifing,behold there appeared to him a mighty blacke dogge ofan hugebigneflèe his eies flaming with fire,and his cares hanging low downe well nacre tothe grounde,which began to enter in and Ihaight tocome to- wardshim,and fo to couch under the boord . The Cardinal not a little a- tnafed at the fight thereof,fomewhat recoucringhimfelfe called to his fer- vantswhich were in theoutward chambernext by,to bring in a candle and to fecke for thedogge. But when thedoggecould not be found there , nor inany other chamber about,theCardinal( rherupon f ricken with a fudden conceit ofminde,immediatiy fellintofuch a fickneffe wherofhis Phifitians whichhe hadabout him could not with all there indulirie and cunning cure hirn:and thereupon he died. SrevenCardirer, when a certen Bifhop carne untohim and put him in mindc ofPeter denying his maflcr,anlwered againethat hehad deniedwith Peter,butneuer repentedwith Peter andfo (todeCM Foxes words)ilinkinglyand unrepentantlydyed. More exam- ples might be addedbut thefe¡hail fuffice. Againc,that wemaybe further induced to the pradèife ofthere dudes, let vs call tomind the uncertentieofour daicr:thoughwe now liue,yetwho can fay that he (hall be aline the next day or thenext houre . Noman bath a lealeof hislife. Now rnarke,as death leaves ama,fo Thal( the 1sí1: iudgm& finde him:and therefore ifdeathtake him away unprepared, eternal( dam- nation followeswithout recouery. Ifa theefebe brought fromprifoneither to the barre to be arraigned before the iudge, ortothe place of execution, he will bewaile his mifdemeanourpafî,and promife all reformation of life; fo be it, he might be deliuered, thoughhe be themoft arrant theefethat tuer was. In this cafeweareas felonsor theevcs:for weareeuery day going to thebarre ofGods iud;ement,there is no flay or handing in the way, rum as the (flip in thefea continues on his courfedav and night whether the marriners be flceping or waking : therefore let vsall prepare our felues and amende ourlines betime,that in deathwemaymakeableffed end. Miniflers ofthe Gofpell doedailycall for theperfourmanceofthisdutietbut whereal- moli fhal we finde the praftifc and obedience ofis in mens lines and con. uezfations?