ofdying well. Sá uetfations?Alas,alas,to lendour cares for the (paceoían home to beam the will of god is common:buttogiuc heart andhand todoe the fame,is rare. And the reafon hcreofis at hand:weare all moff grieuous finners,andcuery Pinner in the tcarmes of Scripture is a Foote : and a principali part of this folly is tocare for the things of this world and to neglea the kingdome ofLulea. heauen, toprovide for the bodie and not for thefoute,tocatf and forecaft howwe may hue in wealth and honourand cafe,andnot to ufethe 1aß fore- caft to die well.This follyour SauiourChrift noted in the richmanthat was careful' to inlardgc his barncs,but had nocare at all for his end or for the faluationofhis foule.Such a on was Achitophell, who(as the Scripture rearms him)was as the veryoracle ofgod forcouncel, being a manofgreat wifdom and forecaft in the mattersofthecommonwealth, and in hisovine privat wordly affaites:andyet for all this hehad not fomuch as cômon fife andreafon,toconfider howhe might dy the deathofthe righteoufe,&com to life euerlafting. And thisfolly theholyÇhoft hash noted inhim. hot the text faith, whenhefawe that his connect' was defpifed,hejadledhisaffe,' arofe: andwent I &Omeintohis citie,andpert his houfhos ld inorder , and went grad ZS""?.'"' bangedhim.felfe. And the five foolifh virgins contented themfclues with the blafing lamps ofa bare profeflion,neuer Peekingfor the borneofTailing oile oftruc and livelyfaith,that might furnifh and trimme the lampe both in life anddeath. But let vs in the feare ofGod, caft off this damnablefolly, firft ofal I reeking thekingdomeofGod and his righteoufnes, and leading outlines in faithand obedience,that wemay die accordingly. And thus muchof the lira point ofdo6trine, namely that there is acertE waywhereby a man may dy well:now I come to the fecond. Whereas thereforeSalomon faith that the dayofdeath isbetter then theday of6irth,we are further taught that fuch as truly beleeue themfelues to be the children of God,are not to fearedeath ouermuch. I fayouermuch;becaufe they muff partly feareit,andpartly not. Feareit theymuff fortwocauies:thefirff,be. caufe death is the deltru6tion ofhumane nature in a mansowne felfe and o., thers:and in this refpea Chrift feared it without frinné: and we muff nor feare it of herwife thenwe feare fickneffeand povertie,andfamine , with o»: tiler forowesofbodyand minde,whichGod will not haue vsto de-phi or lightly to regard,but toCede with forne paine, becaufc they are correCtions and punifhments for finnc. And he dotti therefore lay vpon vs paines and torments, that they maybe feared and efchewed : and thatby efchewing themwemightfirtherlearne to efchcw the caufe of them which is finne; and by experience in feeling ofpaine,acknovledge that God is a iudgeand enernieoffinne, and is exceeding angrie with it. The fecond caufe ofthe feareofdeath,is thelnf;eofthe Church or Commonwealth, when we ora- tilers aredepriued ofthemwhich were indeed or might haue bin an heipe, lay,and comfort to eitherofthem, and whofedeath bathprocured force publike or privateJoffe. Againe,wc arc not to fearedeath; but tobe gladofit, and thátfor many caufes.