Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

The right rv.ty caufes,Fira ofail,in it wehauc occafion to fhewottr fuhie&ior and obedi- ence which we ovie'vntoGad,whenbe calls vs out ofthis world, as Chriii Paid,Father,not my will Grit thywilíhe done. Sccondly,all (nine is abolrfhcdby death,andwe then ceafe to°End Godany more as wehauedone. Thirdly, the dead bodie is brought into a better condition then etter is vvas in this 1ife,for bydeath it ismade infenfible, andby that meanes it is freed from all the miferies and calarnitisofthis life; and it ccafeth tobe eitheran aaiue or paffiue infirumentofChine , vvhereas in thehfe tiucit is both. Fourthly, it glues the foule paflàge to reii,tife.,and celelliall glorie,in whichwe Thal fee god as he is,perfeà1Jyknow hiin,and praifc hisname for euer,keepingwith - -_ outintermillion aneternali fabbatïa,therefore Paul faith,i deliretobediffol ued&be withChri',fortbdtis6ef ofallSifthly,Godexequuteshis judge- mentsvponthe wicked,andpurgethhis Church by death. Now in all theft refpeas godly menhaue cattle not to feare and forrow, but to reioyee in their owne death, and the death ofothers. Thirdly+,ifthedayofdeathbe fo cxcellent,yea aday olhappincs,then it. is lawful( todefire death, and men donot alwaies finne in withtngfardeath. Paul faith,!defiretobsd fjdlcred:and againe,Omiferable max who 'hall deliver mefromthre bodie ofte4th. Yet this delire mull not bePimple, but reltrained with certainerefpeas; which are there. Firfi death muabe clearedfá faire- forth as it is a meanes to free vs from the corruption ofournature; fecondiyi as it is a means tobringvs to the immediatefellowfhip of Chrifi and GO; himfelfe in heauen.Thirdly deathmay be lawfully defired in refpeaofthe troubles and miferiesofthis life,two caueacs beeingobfcrued;the ftrai,that thisdelire moil not be immoderate: the fecond,icmufi be ioyned with fob- millionand fùbieéion to thegoodpleafure ofGod.Ifeither ofthefc be wan- ting, the delire is fatthiei and therefore Job, and Ieretnie, andJonas failed . herein,becaufe they defired death beingcarriedavvayvvith impatience. On the contrarie altoa manmay defre a continuance oflifer frzechias, praiedand defired to liue,vvhen he heard the meffageofprefent death,that 38Ja8 he mightdoe feruiceto God. AndPaul delired to litre in regardof the Phi Phil, :,s4,a5. lippians,that he might further their faith , though in regard,ofhimtclfe tu;, dievvas aduantagetohim. Lafily, ifdeath ioyned vvith reformation oflifebe foblefied, then,the death of the vnbeleeuing and vnrepentant (inner iseuery vvaycurfcdand moll horrible. Reafons are there. Firi},it is the deflruC'rion ofnature,and the vvages offinne. Secondly, ink there is no comfort ofthe fpirit to be found, nomitigation ofpaine,andno good thing that may counteruaile the rnifem ries thereof. Thirdly, that vvhich is the moli fearefull thingofall , bodily death is the beginningofeternall death, defperation,and infcrnallcormenr, vvithdut hopeofdeliuerance herefore as !began fe I end,hauccare tohue vvell, anddie vvell. FINIS.