Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

additiori,ofthing.r that come tomy min&afterward. rle lail combate with the deuill in the pang of death, is oftentimes moft daungerousofall. For then he will not vrge men to defperation, know- ing that bythis meaneshe (hall flirre themvp to refifi him : but he labours with them that they wouldnot ref him when he affaults therm,and by this meanes he indeauours to extinguiflahope. And this is not done in any other temptation in which faithor hope alone are impugned, whereas in this they are both impugned togither. This tinua be thoughtvpon, for when thedeuiils temptation is, notto refill his temptatioth itis molt deceit- full all: and it is motecafe toouercome the enernie thateonapellsvs to t ht,then him that diffwadesvs from The temptation oftill. khaKnox in the timeof hisdeath isworth the 2 marking. He lay onhis deathbedde filent for the fpaceoffoure houres,very Likdeobi& oftengiuinggreatfighes, fobbes, andgrones,foas the flanders bywell per- ""i° ceiued that he was troubled with fornegrieuous temptation: and when at length hewas railed inhis bedde,they asked him how hedid,towbome he aniwered thus: that in his life hehadindured manycornbates andconflias with Saran,but that now moll mightily the roaring lyonhad affaultedhim: often (aidhe) beforehe fet my finnes before mineeyes,often he vrged me to defperation , often he laboured co intangle me with thedelights of the world, but beeing vanquifhedby the fwordof the fpirit,which is the word of God,he could not preuaile. But now he affaults meanother way: for the wily ferpentwould perfwade methat I fball merit eternal! life for my fide- litie in my tninifterie,But blefledbeGodwhichbrought tomynainde Inch 0. Scriptures whereby I might quench the&fie dartsofthedeuill , which wee, What h#0 tharithathot haftmat rostimed: and, By thegritctofÇud,hrn D z ilea