Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

or Ofthe right knowledgeofChri1crucified. T is the moft excellent and worthie part ofthine wifdofrie to know Chrifl crucified. The Prophet E- faì iât5h, Theknowledgeofthy righteo;tofer;tant,that Hfa.í, is,Chrifl crucified,gmllinftrpe many.And Chrit1hini. felféfaìth, This is life eternawto know thee"theonely God,and;shone thou ballfontlefus thrift. AndPaul ,,Cor,z.z. faith,'have decreedtoknow nothingamong you bnt Ir- ri Chri?andhim crucified. Againe, Godforbidthat Ga1.6.4. fhould reioycein anj thing but in the croffeafore Lord j e(res Cri fi. Ageing,/ thinkeall thrng.r hit l offefor the excellent knowledgefake: ofChrift lefkuns.r Lord,:srd doeiudgethemEut dung d;,nght winChri% in the right way ofknowing Chrifi erne,fied, two points muti Dc .nnr- dered: one,howMan for his part is toknowChrift ; theother, how he is to be knovvneof man. Touching the firfl : Man muff know Chri(+ not generally andconfufcd- ly,butby a liuely,powerfull, and operatiueknowledge; for otherwife the de- uillathem(clues knowChri(l. In this knowledgethree things are required. The firfl isnotice orcongera- tion, whereby thou mull concciue in míndc, vnderfland, and ferianflybe- thinke thy fclfc ofChrif+as he is revealed in the hiflorieof theGofpel,and ashe is offered to thyparticulsrperfon in therninit1erie ofthewordand Sa. cratnents. And thatthisconfederation traynot be deadand idle in thce,two things mufl be dome: firflthoumull labour to feele thy felfeto liana'inneede ofChrift crucified,yca to (land in excefl ueneedeeuenofthe very leaf+drop ofhis blood, for the wafhingawayofthy Pinnes. And vnles thou throughly fedeLithy (elfe to tant all that goodnes and grace that is in Chrift, andthat thoueuen flandefl in extremencede ofhis paflîon, thou fhalt neuer learne or teach Chrift indeede and truth. The fecood thing is, with thevndcrflan- dingofthe doRrine ofChri(l to ioyne thirfting, whereby manin his very .fouleand fpirit longs after theparticipationofChtif+, and faith in this cafe as Satnpfonfaid,Giuemewater,fdiefortknit. Iudes.r; The fecond part of knowledge is application, whereby thou mull know and beleeue not onely thatChrifl was crucified, but that he was crucified' forthee,for thee, I fay. in particular. Here two rules muffbe ternenabred and pra6lifed. One,that Chrill on thecrofi`e was thy pledge and furetie in parti- cular,that he then' ood inthy verymotile andplace in which thou thy (elfe in thine owneperfon fhoutdell haue¡Jacd:that thyveryperfonall and par- D =icula.t