6o Ofthe right knowledge titular Gnnes were imputed and applied to him; that hefloode guildeasa maleiatour for them,and fuifercd the very pangsofhell, and thathis fuffe- rings areas much in acceptation with God, as if thouhaddefl borne the curieof the law in thine owneperfoneternally.Theholding and beleeuing adds point is thevery foundationofrcligionas altocfthc ChurchofGod. Therefore in anywifebecareful! to applie Chriftcrucified tothy felfe : and teKiag.#.34: as Elizeus when hewould rcuiue thechild of the Shunamite, went vp and lay vpon him, and put his mouth vpon hismouth, and hishands vpon his hands,and his eyes vponhis eyes, andaretchedhimfelfe vpon him:euen fo, ifthouwohldellbe reuiued to euerlafling life,thoumull by faith as it were let thy felfe vpon the croffeofChrift,and applie thy hands tohishands,thy feete. to his fcete, and thy finnefull heart to hisbleedingheart, and content . , `;not thy felfe withThomas toput thy .finger into his fide,buteuendiuc and -plungethy,felfewhollyboth bodie and foule into the woundes and bloode ..ofChtit:. This will make thee tocriewi.th:Thornas,and fay, t,í yLord,m7 Grd;.and this is to be crucified with Chr,ff... And yet doe n>t content, thy felfe with this , . but by faith alto defcend with Chrift from the cre0e to thegraue, andbulk thy felfe in theveryburial! of(Thrift and then looke Ia.KjnSi;.zip , asthe dead tChe verytoucohingofhsbodie; fo the gratte:of Elizeus was ma de alíuge ac (halt thou la 4X irttuall torching of Chriftdead and buried , be gr. ickned to life enerlailiag. The fecond rule is, that Chrificrucified is thine, beeing really glut n thee of God the fa- ther,euen as truly as houres and land are giacn ofearthly fathers to their children: this thou mull firmely hohle and bekeue.; and hence is it that thebenefits ofChri(l are beforeGod ours indeede for our iufli&cationand faluation. The third point in liuely knowledge is, that by all the affe?ionsofout hearts wemutt be carried to Chrift, and as it were transformed intohim. Whereas he gauehimfclfe wholly for vs, we can doe no lefle then bellow our heartsvponhim. Wemull therefore labour aboue all, following the MartyrIgnatius, who faide that Chria his losewas crucified. We muff va- lue him at fohigh a price, that he múll be vnto vs better then tenne thou- fandworlds : yeaall things which we enjoy mull be but as drofeanddung vntovs in refpeól ofhim. Lathy, all our ioy, reioycing,comfort, and confi- déce mull be placed in him. And that thus much is rcguifite in knowledge, it appeares by thecommon ruleofexpoundingScripture,that wards°Aww lease implie4feaion. And indeede it is but a knowledge fvvimrning in the brainc, which loth not alter andditpofe the affeßions and the wholeman. Thus much of our knowledge. Now follows the fecond point, how Chail is tobe knowne. He mull not be knownebarely as God, or as Haan, or as aJewborne in the tribeofludah,or as a terrible and lull judge, hut as he is our 7.edeemer and thevery price ofour redemption: and in this refpc he,mufl be confidered as the common Treafurie and ftiorehcufe ofGods Coloff13. ChurchasPaultdUifithwhen he faith himisrc all .thetreafiresofknow- lase