o ri a ledgeandwtfdome hid : and againe, Bleffed beGod,which bathblef elviwith fiph.t ailIIirituallblefrgs in Chrifi. AndSaint Iohnfaith, that ofhis fulneffeire re- ceme grace for grace. Here then let vs marke thatall the bleffìngsef God, cc whether fpirituall or temporali , all I fay without exception are conuaied cc untovs from theFather by Chrift: and fo theymet be receiuedofvs and no cc otherwife. That thh point may be further cleared, the benefits which we reach= fromChrifi are tobehandled, and the mannerofknowingofth6. The benefits ofChrifl are three,his Merit,his f/ertue, his Example. The merit ofChrit,isthevalue andpriceofhis deathandPaffion,where- by° roan is perfeâily reconciled to God.This reconciliationhath twoparts, 7cYaigion ofínnes,and acceptation to life euerlailing. Remiffion offinnes, is theremoouing,or the abolifhing bothoftheguilt andpernifhment ofmans lnnes. Byguilt 1 vndereand a fisbaet7ion or obligationto puni(hment, accor- ding to theorder ofdiuine ïuflice. And thepunifhment of finne is the ma- ledallt'on or curt ofthe whole law, which is the fuffering ofthe fire and fe- Bond death. t4cceptattion to lifeeuerlafling, is a giuingofright and title to thekingdorne ofheauen, and that for the merit ofChriesobedience impu. ted. Nowthis benefit ofreconci iationmuebeknownenot by conceit and imagination. nor bycarnall prelumption; but by the inward tertirnonieef Gods ,t certifying ourconlcïences thereof,which for this caufe is called .f r theßirit cf Revelator. And that we may attaine to infallible affuranceofEph.r,iï. this benefit,v e muff call to minde thepromt(es ofthe Gofpell touching re- milFton offilmesand lifeeuerlaflingtthisbeeingdone,we muafurtherflriue and indeauour by theaffurance ofGods fpirit to applie them to our feiues, and to beleeue that theybelongvnto vs; and wemut alto put our feiues of- ten to all theexerciles ofinvocation and tt:terepentance. For inand by our cryingvetobeauentoGod forreconciliation, comesthe affurance thereof, as Scriptures andChrieian experience makes manifefl. And ifitfo fallout, that any man in temptation apprehend and feelenothing but thefuriousin- dignation andwrath of God, againe all reafon andfeeling hemull hold to themerit ofChrifi , andknow apoint ofreligion hard tobe learned,that God isa moil louing father to themthat haue care to ferue hireeven at that ineant whenhe fheweshimfelfe a mot fierce and terrible enemie. From the benefit of recoscilaation proceede foure benefits. Fire,that ex- cellent peaceefGod that paffeth all vnderfianding, which hach fixe°pasts. The fifeis, peacewithGod and the bleffedTrinitie, ltom.5. t. Seeing isffafi. edwe banepeacewith god. T'hefecond,peace with the good Angels,Ioh.i.5a. ref7allfeetheangelsofgodofeazdi4g and defcending upon the formeofrnan. And thatAngels like armiesoffouidiersiacampe about the feruantsof God, and as nources beate them in their armes that they beneither hurt by the deuill and his angels,nor by hisinerurtrcnts, it proceedes ofthis that they beeing inChrifi are partakers of his merits. The third is, peace with all fuch as feare God and beleeue in Chrifi. This Efai foret.alde when he faide, that the woolfe hall dwell frith thelaztube,aud the leopard withthe kiidde, D4 and