oz vftberglat ¬dtea e andthecalfe and thelion andafatbe;+frtoy rt /per, and th.tt a littlechildf7 oad lead the,&c.i t.v.6.The fourth is, peacewith amans ovine felfe,when the con.. fdencc waíhed in the bloodof Chrifl, ccafc.th to accule, and terrifie: and when the will,afhions, and inclinations of the whole man are obedient to the.mindc enlightenedby the fpiríc and wordof Gad, Colofl, 3. Let the peaceofGod rule inyoar hearts.The fifth is,peace with enemies and that two wait;. F ra, inthat filch as helecue in Chrill, feeke to hauepeace with all rnen,lurcingnone but doing good to all: fecondly, in that God reftraincs the malice ofeneenies,and inclines their hearts tobe peaceable. Thus God Aáp,r,y. broughtDanid into lone andfinettrwith the chiefeofthe Ettnuches . The lafl,rs peacewith all creatures in heauen and earth,in that they (erne for mans falua- tion.Pfal.9r.r 3.T' hate fhah:ralkeváon thelion and the qe :theping lycnand thedragonjlialt rhos stead veder f ete. Hof.2.t S. And in tImt day will makea coucnant far thest'irh thebeaf}sofrhefield,and withthefci1esafheauen,Now this benefit of peace is knowne partly by the teflinonie of the fpirit, and partlyby adaily experience thereof. The fecond benefit is a recouerieofthat right and title , which manhath toall creatures in heauen andearth,andall temporal! bleffings ; which tight Adam loll to himfelfe and entryone ofhispofleritie. a.Cor. 3.22. Whether it be theworld,orllfc,or death: whether theybe thingsprefent,or thingst corne,all areyottrs. Now the right wayof knowing thisone benefit is this. When God vouchfafeth meate, drinke, appareil,houfes, lands, &c.we tuna not barely confiderthem as bleffingsof Gód, for that very heathenmen,which knownot ChrilI candoe:but we niull acknowledge andentente them as hit flings proceeding from thetpeciall loue of God the father, wherebyhe Joues vs inChrifl;and procured vnto vs by the merit ofChrifl crucified: and we mua labour in thispointtobefetledand perfwaded: and fooft aswefee andvie the creaturesofGod for ourowns benefit, this pointfhouldcoat to our mindes. Bleflings conceiued apart from drift,are mifconceiued : whatfoeuerthey are in themfelucs they are no bleffings tovs but in and by Chrifis merit.TherFore this order muff be obferued touching earthly bid: Pings: firfì we mullhaue part in the merit ofChrift, and then fecondlyby meanes ofthat merit, a right before God and comfortablevfe ofthe things we enioy.All men that haueand vîc thecreatures ofGodotherwilc,as gifts ofGodbut not byChria, vie thembut as fiat vfrrpers and theeues, per this caufc it isnot fufficient for vs generally and confufedly to know Chrit1 to be ourRedeemer; but we ma learne to fee,know,and acknowledge hi;n in euery particular gift and blef ling ofGod. Ifmenv(ng the creaturesof meatsanddrinke; could, when they behold them, withal' by the eye offaith behold in them the merit ofChrifls paflion,there wouldnot be fo much ex. ceffe and ryot,fo much furfetting and drunkennes, as there is : and if men could confider their honks. and lands,t c.asbleflingstothem, and that by the fountaine of blefling the merits ofChrifl, therefhouldnot be fo much fraud and deceit,fo much iniuflice and oppreulion in bargaining as there is. That