Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofChrsj7 crocifed. 6; That which I baue now laidofineates,drinkes, apparcll,mufl likewife be vnderfloodof gentrie and nobilitie,in as much as noble-birth without new birth in Chrifl is but an earthly vanitie : the like may be faide ofphyficke, cm-alder c( fleepe,health,libertie, yeaofthc very breathing in the ayre. And to goeyet foff 3 ;,:ad f j further: incur Recreations Chrifl mull be knowne,For all recreation (lands 210 I in thevfeofthingsindifferent : and the holy vieofall things indifferent,ia purchafeci vntovs by theblood ofChrifl.For this caufe it is verycrime that Chriflianmen and women fhould with theircarthlvrecreations ioync fpiri- tuall meditation ofthe deathofChriíI , and from the one takeoccafion to bethinkethemfeluesofthe other.lf this were praaifed,there fhatild not be fomanyvnlavvfull ("portsand delights,and fo much abufeoflawfull recrea non asthere is. The third benefit is,that all crofï'es,afili6lions, and iudgements whatfoe- uer,ceafctobe curiesandpunifhrnentsto then: that areinChrifl,& are one - ly tneanesofcarreEionor trial; beca.ufe hisdeathbath taken away not fotne few parts,but all and cuery partofthe curie oldiewhole lawe. Now in all crofes,Chrifl is tobe knowneofvson this manner.`Vemutt iudgeofour af- fliäions as chaflifinentsor trial's,proceeding not from a revenging iud e, but from the hand ofa bountifull and lottingfather; and therfore they mutt heconceiued in and with the merit of Chrifl; and ifwe doe otherwiïere- gard them,we take them as curfes andpunifhments offiune. And henceit follows that fubie6lion toGods hand in all troffer,is a marke and badge of thetrueChurch. The Lail benefit is, that death Is properlyno death, but a rcfl orfleepe. Death thereforemull be knowneand confiderednot as it is fee forth in the law,but as it is alteredand changedby the death ofChrifl:andwhen death comes, we mull then Tookevpon it through Chrifls death , as througha glaffe: and thus it will appeare tobe but a paflige from this life toeuerla- fling life. Thus much of the merit of Chrifl crucified. Now followes his vealate, which is thepower of his Godhead, whereby he creates new hearts in all them that bcleeue inhim, and makes them new creatures. This venue is double:the firfi is thepo eer ofhrrs death, whereby he freed himfelfe from the punifhrnent and imputation ofour ennes; and the fame venue ferueth to mortifieand crucifiethecorru ptions ofour naindes,wils,affeaiotìs,euen as a corafiue doth watt andconftame the rotten and dead flefh in anypart of mans bodie. The reamd,is theveil see 9f Chrijis refs:rref$ion,which is alfo thepower ofhis Godhead,wherebyhe railed himfelfefrom death to life: andthevery fame power fcrueth roraifet laofethat belongto Chrifi , from thcirflnnes in this ltfe,and fr6 the graue in aheday ofthe!aft judgement. Now theknow- ledge of this doubleverrue ro lift not beo rly fpeculatiue,that is, barely con- ceiued in the braine,but it mu fl be experimentall: becaufe we ought tohaue capeticneeofitin our_hearts: end liues,and wealould labourbyallmeanes poflìblt: