Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

64 Ofthe right knowledge poffibletofeelethe powerofChriEis deathkilling 8cmortii5Ting our finnes, andthe 'vertue ofhisrefurre6 ion in theputtingoffpirituall life into vs;thaa we mightbe ableto fay that we hue not but that Chrift ¡lues in vs.This was oneofthemoll excellent and principal l things whichPaul fought for, who faith,Ibane countedall things loffe and doe i sake them to be dung,rhat ¡may knowhimandthevenueofhis reftrreElion,Phil. 3. zo. And hefaith that this is the right way toknow and learne Chrift, to call ofthe olde man which it corruptthrough thedeceistesble lufis, andtopic is on thenewmanwhich is created du righteous andtrue holsnes.Eph.4, 24. The third benefit is the example of Chrift. Wedecchic our felues,if we thinke. that heis onely tobe knowne of vs as a Redeemer, and not as a fie. ¡lade or pattern( of all good duties, to which weought to conformeour felues. Good men indeede,that haue becne or in prefent arevpon theearth the feruants ofGod,muff befollowed ofvs: but they mutt be followed no otherwife then they followChrifl,and Chrift mutt be followed in the pra. &ire ofeuery good dutie that may concerne vs without. exception fir«ply and abfolutely, i Cor. z z . i . Our conformitie with Chriti Randseither in the framingofour inward and fpirttualllife,or in the praaife ofontcs and and moral! duties. Confarrnitieof fpirituall life is, not bydoing that which Chrifi did upon the croffe and afterward, but a doingofthe hke by accr .aine kinds: cifirni- tation. And it hath foure parts. The fidi is,a f irittsalt oblation. For as Chi l} in,and vpon the croffe, by praier made with ftrong cries and teares, prcfented andrefs;ned hirnfèlfe vp to be a facrifice ofpropitiation to the iufliceofhis father for mans finne : fo mufi wealto in praier prefent andrefign. our felues,our foules,ourbodies,our vnderfianding,vvill,memo tie,affeaions,and all vve haws to the feruiceofGod,in the generall callingof aChrifiian,and in the particular callings in vvhich hehathplaced vs. Take an exampleinDauid,Sacrt ìceandburntof erixg (Faithhe)th®etwouldfinot,. but eared thouhaft pearcedvetonse,ahenfatd,l,1e 1come: 1 defire to doe thy will, OGod, yea thy law is within myheart, Pfal.40.7. The fecand is, conformitte its the croßc tvvovvaies.Forfiril,as he bare hiseavvne croffeto the place ofex- equution: fo mufi vve as good difciples ofChrifi denie our felues,takevp all the crotfes and affliEhons that thehand ofGod Ihall layvpon vs.Againe,vve muti become like vetohim in thecrucifying and mortifying the maffeand . bodicoffinnevvhichvve curieabout vs,Gal.5. 24. Theywhich areChr barecrucified the flefh with thea/fetlionsandlul sthereof,Wernuidoeasthe Ievves did, vvemull fet vp thecroffes and gybbets vvhercon vveare tofa- ften and hangthisflefhofours,thatis,the finne and corruption that cleanes ándfiicksvntovs,and by the fvvordof the fpirit vvound it cuen to death. Thisbeefing done, vve mull yet goe further, and labour by experienceto fee and feele thevery deathofit, and to lay it as it vvere in a graueneuer to rile againerand therefore vve fhould dailycall nevv tnouldesvpon it.Thethird ls. a j/irtteeall refurreEron, vvhereby vie (boil IdbyGodsgracevfe meaner thar