Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofChrificrucified. 65 that wemay eueryday more and more corne out ofourfirmes, asout ora loathfome graue,toliae vnto God in sewnesof life, as Chrifl role from his graue. And becaulc it is an hardmatter for a man to come out of thegraue or rather dungeon,ofhis finnes, thisworke can notbe done at once:but by degrees, as God (hall glue gráce. Confideringwe Iic by nature dead in our Pinnes, and tlinke in them as loathfome carrion,irfl we mull begin to iliac our Mues as a man that cornes out ofa fotwne, awakened by thewordand voice ofChrifl founding in our deafe cares : fecondly we mud raite<vp our mindes to a better flareand condition,as wevie to raite vpourbodies : after this wemull; put out ofthegraue firfl one hand,then the other. This done, we muff doeourindeauour as it were vponour knees, at the leafl to put one foote out of this fepulchreof finne, the rather when we fee our felues to haue one footofthe bodie in the graueofthe earth,that in thedayofiudge_ ment we maybe wholly deliuered fromall bonds ofcorruption;The fourth part is,a 4fcenfion intoheauen,by acontinuall eleruarion of the heart and mindc to Chria fitting at the righthandofthe Father, as Paul faith, Haueyvttr conueafation' inheauen: and, Ifyebe rife:s with Chrif , fceke things that are abotte. Conformitie inmorall duties, iseither generall or fpeciall.Generali,isto be holyas he isholy, Rom. 8. a9. Thofiewhom he knew before hehathprede. f imue tobe like the image ofhès fonne,that is, notonely i'n thecroflè,but allo in holines andglorie.,i,Ioh.3 . Hewhichbath this hopepurified; hosifeffe cuen as he is pure. Speciall conformitie,is.chiefly info=venues; Faith,Loue,Meekenes, Humilitie. We mull be like him in faith.Foras he,whenhe apprehended the wrath ofGod, and thevery pangsof hell werevpon him, wholly flaiedhimfelfe vpon theayde,helpe,proteIion,and good pleafurcofhis farher,euen ro the 1afi fowuil we by a true and Iiuely faith depend wholly onGods mercicin Chrifl,as it werewith bothour hands,inpeace, in trouble, in life, and in the verypangofdeath: and wemull not in anywileictour holdgo ;no though we fhould feele our felues defeend to hell. We:null be like him inmeekeneffe, Math.a r. v. 28. Learne oftae, tLatJ ammeeke andlotvely. His;mcekeneffe fhewe"d it feife in the panentbearingof all iniuries and abides offeredby the handsoffinnefuli and, and in the frrfferingofthe curieoldie Iawe,without grudging or repining, andwith fubmiffion tohisfatilerswill ;in,a11 things. Now the more we fol. lowe him hereia,:the more fhal1 webeconfirmable him in his death and pa1ion,Ph?ip.3 ;. i o...: 13 °+1 r nafi Thirdly,he muff be ourakamplein Laveshelouedhis ewermies.more the hirnfelfe, Pph: 5..4.walke in loveeuen`A$Chrip loued vs,andhateftuenhimfIfe forvs anobiationand jacrifree offvveete finellinrgflsv:®,ir into r ad: The like loueoughtwe to fhewe, by doing feruice to all men in the conrpaffe:ofour callings,andby becing all things to all men(asPaul was)that we might do them