Ofthe ruht knowledge them all thegoodwe canboth for body and foule.t.Cor,o.r9. Latlly,we mulî followe Chrif$ in hum,lit,e, whereof he is a wonderful! fpeaacle,inthatbeing God, he became man forvs:andofa man became a worme that istroadenunder foote,that he Might Taut: atan,Philip.2.5.Let thePose 'snidebe inyou that was in terns Cbr:ff,lrha 6eeingr in theforme o f God , kmnabled himfcdfeand became obedient to the death , -erten to the loath o f the tree, Andherewe muff obferue, that the example ofChrifl Bath fornething more in it then any other example bath or can :haue :for it loth not only Ihcwe vs what weoughtrodoe(as the examp'es ofother men doe)but it is a reratedie again(} manyvices, and a motive to many good duties . Nth of all theferious cofideration ofthis,that the very fonneofGod himIclfc fuge_ red all thepaines and torments ofhellon thecroffe for our finnes,is thepro_ per andmoll efleau all meanes to [litre up our heartes to a godly forrowe for them. Aud that thisthing maycome to paffe,eueryman muff be fettled withoutdoubt,thathewas the man that crucified Chrift; that hs is to be blamed as well as Iudas,Herode,PontiusPilate,and the iewes :and that his finnes íhould be she nailes, the fpeares, and the thornes that pearced him. When thismeditation beginnes to take place, bitterneffe of fpirit with wayling and mourning takes place in like manner . Zach. x 2.v, Y o. e,ßnd theyThadlook vp nhimwho* they herepearced; and they fh4dllament pr himat one lamentethforhis onelrfonrre.Pcter in his firff fermoratiroo.ke the leaves as with a thunder clape from heauen when he fadunto thernye hxu. crucified thelord ofglory,fo as the fame time three thoufande traen were pricked in their hearts, and Paid,'peaanaibreethren,rahatt101tncdare tobefaed, Againe, ifChriflfor our finnesfheddehis heart bloode :asidifour flumes made him fweate water and bloode,Oh then why fhouldnot we our telues fhadride bitter teares, andwhy would not ourheartsblcede for them; °l -Iethatfitades himfelféfo dull and hardened that thepailion of Chtifi doethnot humble hi m,is in a lamëtablccare forthereis no faith in the death ofChrill,effe6h all in him asyet. Seconcily,the meditation ofthe paffionofC;hrifI isa moil notable melts tobreede repentance and reformationoflire intime tocome. Forwhenwe begin to thinke that Chrifl crucified,by fitfferingthefirfl andfecond death, hath procureduntovs remitfionofall our finnes pafl,and freed vs from hè]p death,anddamnation: then, ifthere be but a fparkeofgrace in vs, webegin ro beofanother mind,and to reafon thus withour felues : What?bath the Lord bin thusmerciful!veto rae,that aminmy idlebut afirebrandofhell, at tofrea. me fromdeferueddefiru&on &toreceiuemerofauoutinChrfl? yea,nodoubt hehath,hisname bebleffed therfore: I will not therfärefinne anymoreas I hauedone, but euer hereafter endeauou rokeepe my tèlfefró euery cuill way. And thus faith purifies both heart and life. Thirdly,when thou art in any pineofbodicor ficknes,tthinkehow light thefe are compared to the agonie and bloodie fwcate, tó thecrowneof thornes