Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofChYPf crucified, 67 thorns anduailesofChrifl. When thou artwronged in word or deed by a- ny man, turne thine eye to theerotic, confider how rneekelyhe fuffered II abufcs for themolt part inflence, and praied for them that crucified him. When thouart tempted withpride orvaineglorie,confrdcr how for thy pro- per fnnes Chrifl was defpifed&mocked and condemned among theeues. When anger anddefineofreuenge inflame thine heart, thinke hòw Chrift gaue himfclfe todeath to faue his enemies, cuen thenwhen they didmolt cruelly intreat him,andf lied his blood: and bythefemeditations , fpecially ifthey be mingledwithFaith,thy mindefhall be eared. Thus we fee how Chriil crucified i§ ro be knownc: and hence atifeth a threefoldknowledge: one of God, the fecondofour neighbours, the third of our felucs. Touching the fitfl: ifwe wouldknow the true Godaright,and know li:n to our faluation, wemuff knowhim onely inUntil'. crucified. God inhim- felfeand his owne maieílie is inuifible, not onlyto theeyes ofthe bodiw, but alto to the veryminds ofmen and he isreuealed to vs otwly inChrifï,in %homehe isto be feene as in a glafle.For inChriflhe fetteth forth andgiuea his, goodnes,wifdome,andhinrfelfe whollyvntovs. For this conk. he is called thebrightnes oft heglorie,.and the ingrauen formeof thepc-j o f thefather.Heb.t .3. Rnd theimageofthe inusfbleGocl, Colofhz . z S . Therfore we mull not know Godand feekehirn any where cafe but inC hriil : and whatfoeuer out ofChrifl comes untovs in the nameofrod, is a fiat idol of mans Laraine. As for ourneighbours,thofe efpecially.that areofGods Church, they axe tobeknowneofvs on this manner: Whenwe are todocany dutievnto the', wemull not barely refpea theirperfons,but Chrifl crucifiedin them, & thé inChat. When Paul perfecuted fuckas calledon the nameofChriff,he thenfromheauen cried, Saral,S4rrl,whrperfecratefithou me? Here then let 'this bemarked,that when thepoore comes tovs for releefc:, it is Chrifl that comes to our dores,and faith,I am hungrie,I am thir(ife,I amnaked: and lee thebowels ofcompaffio:nbein vs towards them as towardsChrifl,vale&T& wewill heare that fearefull fentence in theday ofiudgement, Coeye curfed into kell, c.1washrmgrie, andyeefedmenot: lxvaa sarritedoordnee didnot cleath Thirdly,the right knowledgeofour feluesarifthof the knowledge of Chrr/1 crucified, in whoreand by whorewecome to know fine fpeciail things ofourfelues.The firfl,howgrieuousour fnnesare,and therfore how miferable weare in regardofthe. Ifweconfiderour offences in themfifties, and asthey arein vs,wemay faonebedeceived, besaufe the confciencebe- ing corrupted oftenetreth ingiuingteflimonie, and bythat means makcth fuse toappearelefi'e then it is indeed.But iffinne be confidered in thedeath andpaflionofChriflorrcereofit wasthe caufe,and thevilenesthereofrea- p fittedby the vnfpeakabfe tormentsendured by the f,nneofGod: andlithe rams ffcnceofman-betittered by the endles-fitisfa6lion made to