,q ay 6g Ofthe rigbt knawlcdge to the iufiiceofGod,the leaf+ finne that is will appeare tobea finne indeed, and that moll grieuous and ougly. Therefore Chriff crucified mull be vied ofvs as a myrrour or looking glaffe, inwhichwe may fully take aviewe of our wretch.dnes andmiferie, and what we are by nature. For filch as the paflionofChrift was in theeyes ofmen, fuch is our paflion or condition in the eyes ofGod; and that which wicked men did toChriit,the fame doth finne andSatan to our very foules. The fecondpoint is , that men beleeuing in Chrifl are not their owne, or lords ofthemfelues, but wholly bothbodic and faille belong toChrifl,in thattheyweregiuen tohim ofGod the father,aud he bath purchafedthem withhis owneblood, t.Cor.3.Yeare ¿hrifis,andChri/is t,ods.Henceit corn. meth to paffc (which is not to be forgotten )that Chrifl elleemcth all the croft-es andat1ii6tions ofhis people,as hisowne proper afflí ions. Hence a gainewemuff lcarnetogiue vpour felucs bothinbodieand foule totheho- nour and feruiceofChrill,whofe weare. The third is,that curry true belteuer, not as heis a marl, but as he is amen, roan ora Chtiftian, bath his beeing and fiabfflingfromChrifl, weare rr em- bersofbit badie,efhisfiejh,andof eiebowe,Eph.5.3o.In which words,Paul al- ludes to the fpeachofAdam,Gcn.3. Than art bone ofmg 6o:se,ao<defh ofrsfy fiefh,and therebyhe teacheth,that as Euewas made o. aribbe takui out of the fideofAdam ; fo doth the whole ChurchofGoci,.and eucry Iran rege- nerate, fpringand arifeout of thebloode that flreamed from the heats and fideofChrist crucified. The fourth is,that all goodworkes doneof vs, proceede front "° 7 7 t 3e and meritofCbriff crucified: he isthecaufe ofthrm in vs,and-weas fesofthem in andbyhim.Twirhosetme(faithhe)yeca,1drenoth'ng rnv . branch that beareth notfruit in me, marke well he faith, ix roe, ;.1,,,.'e.;;1.-:;.? Foh.15,a. The fift point is,th atwe owevntoChrifi` an enfilesdebt. For hewss cru. cifiedonelyas our furetieand pledge, and in the fpe&acle of "his Pallion we mull confiderour feluesas the chiefe debters, and that thevery difchargeof ourdebt,that is,thefinnes which areinherent invs, were the proper caufe of allthe enfiles painesand torments that Chtift endured,thathe might fet vs moll miferable bankruptsatlibert{efromhcll,death,and damnation. For thishis vnfpeakablegoodnes,if we doe but oncethïnke ofitfcrioufly,we mutt needes confeffethat we owe our felues,our foules, and bodies, and all that we haue as a debt dueveto him. And fo fooneas any man beginnes to know (brill crucified,heknoweshisowne debt,and thinker,ofthe pairnent ofit. Thus we fee howChrifl is to beknowne: nowwe (ha' not need tomake much examinationwhether this mannerof knowing and acknowledging ofChrifl,takcany place in the worldorno: forfew there be that know bitty as they ought. The Turke mienat this very dayknowes hitsnot butas he wasaProphet. The Iewe fcotncth his croffe andpa7ou. The PopifhChur- ches