ofaril? crucified. 69 ches,though inword they confeffe him, yet doe they not knowhim as they ought.The Friers and Iefuits in theirfermons at thisday,cotrrmonlyvfe the Pawn as a meanes to (litre vp pitie and compaflion towards Chief}, who beeing to righteous a manwas fo hardly ìntreated, & to inflame their hearts to an hatredofthe Icwes,and ludas, andPontius Pilate that put our bleffed Sauiour todeath; but all this maybe done inanyother hifforìe. And the fer- uiceofCodwhich in thatChurch (landsnow in forceby theCanonsofthe Council! ofrrent,defacethChrift crncified,inthat thepafliionsofmartyrs are mademerirorious,and the verywoodofthe croffetheironel helpe: and the virgin Marie theQueeneofheewen,and a mother ofmercte, who in remit en of finnesmay commandher f nne: and they glue religious adoration to dual crucifixes madeby the hand and art ofman. The common protcflantlíkewifecommeth fhortherein for three caufes. Finn whereas in word theyacknowledgehim to be theirSauiour, that bath redeemed them from their euill conuerlation, yet indeede they makehim a pareticoftiseirffnus.The theefe makes him the receiuer,the murderer makes him his refuge, a the adulterer(be it fpoken with reuerenceuntohis male- 'Calvin.o flie)makes hirn thebaud. For generallymenwalke on in their euill vvaies,Gat 6 (erne lining in this finne,fome in that,andyet for all this they perfwade the:- felues that God is mercifulI,and thatChritt Math freed them from deathand damnation. Thus Clint} that came to aboli(h fume, is made a maintainer thereof, and the common packe hone of the world to beare eucrymans burden. Secondly,men arecótent totakeknowledge ofthemerit ofChrifis paflion for theremiffion oftheir finnes, but in the meane feafon the venue ofChrifis death in the mortifyingoffinne, and the blared example of his paflion,which ought to be followed and expreffed in our linesand conuer- fations, is little or nothing regarded. Thirdly, men vfually content them - felues generally andconfufedly toknowChrift to be their Redemer, neuer oncereeking ineueryparticular cflate and condition oflife, and in euery particular bleílingof God, to feele the benefiteofhis pafíion. What is the eaufe that almoftall the world line in fecuritie, newer alrr,ou touched for their horrible finnes? furely the reafon is,becaufe theydid neuer yet ferioufly confider that Chrift in the garden lay groueling vpon the earth, fweating waterandblood for their offences.Againe,all filch as by fraudand oppreffi- on, or any kinde ofhard dealing facke the bloodof poore men, neuerpet knew that theirf nnes drew our theheart blood of Chrifi. And proud men andwomenthat arepuffedvp by reafen oftheir attire, which is the badge oftheir(hame,and neuerceafehuntingafter firange fafhions,doe not coml. der that Chrift was netererifind ingay attire,bnt naked,that he might bears - thewhole theme andcuriecfthe law for vs.Thefe and fuck likewhatfoeuer they fayinword,ifwercipeathe tenour oftheir lines, are flatte enemies of the croflèofChri1I,andtread his pren onsbloodvndertheir eete. a, Now then, con(idering this fo weighty and fpeciall a point ofreligion is fo much ne ;le cd,Cmanorwoman,highor iowc,yong or old, ifthou haue beene