Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

70 Ofibe rightkyorvledge beenewanting this way,beginne for veryfharneto !came & learning truly. to know Thrift crucified. Andthat thou rnaidi atraine to this, behold him oftcn,not inthe woodencrucifixe afterthe Popifhmanner , but iri the prea- chingofthe word,and in theSacraments, in which thou (halt fee himcraici- fsedbcforethine eyes,Galar.3.z . Refirenot here uponearth to beholdhim with thebodily eye,but looke upon him withthe eyeof true & liueiy faith, applying him and his=rites to thyCelleas thine owne, and thatwith bro- ken andbruited hearr,as the poore Ifralites flung with fiery ferpents CUMto. death,beheld the brafen ferpent.Again,thournu(llocateupon hint firfl ofall as agd4eorfettgcle, in which thou (halt fee Gods glorie greater in thy re- demption, then in thy creation. In the creation appeared Gods infinite wit_ dome,power ,andgoodness in thyredemption by the pafion ofChrifi, his endlefle iutuice and mercie. In the cration thou art amember ofthe firfl A- dam , and bearefi his Image in thy redemption thou art amember of the fecond Adam. In,the firt3, thouartiñduedwith naturali Iife, in the fecend with fpirituall .Inthefitil,thou hat in theperfonofEve.thy beginning of the rib ofAdarn: in the fecond , thouhaft thy beginning as thou art bornof Godout oftheblood ofChri (pr. Lauily,in the firft,god gumhie inc6n ding that to be, whichwas not in the fecod, he glues lifenot by lifeybut bydeath, eur:nofhis owne fonne. This is the nsiflerie vino which!he Angels them feluesckfire tolooke into, z.Pc t.i.t.2.Secoe.ùly,thc.atuk behold hi al as: the fullprtceoftby redemption, arrd.perfea reconctlia,iccs .`... aI. pray earnefilyto God, thathewilntaldPealeupthe Kaueinsd1; byhis holy fpirir. Thirdly, thou rpufl behoUC'hri i eh a::.- tnuf} eófhrme thy felt by regenerat ó. or this ca. frd ` ., x. , "¡hence maifl by experience fay , that thou art dad and enthi ' d u t t :: =t ás ii Chritl,and that thou.rife f}againe with him ronewn.Pfenfl , "t. it itriigti. tens thy minde,andby degrees reformcs thy will and ails: lions , and giit e thee both thewil & thedeed in euerygood thing. And thatthou rnairt not faile in this thy knowledge,read the hiflorieofChdflcspa,:'ton,ohfcuie all the panes and circumflances thereof,and apply them to thy felfe forthy fhlf converfion. When thou readef} that Chriß went to thegarden,tshis cu- ftome was, where the Iewes might foonefl attachhim,côíider that he w& to the death crone forthy f nneswillingly. andnot ofconffrahnt and that therefore thou for thy part fhouldefi doe him all fervice freelyand frankely,Pfal, zzo.3. When thou heareil that in his agonyhis foule was heavy untodeath,knowe it wasf»thy flnrscs,and thatthou fhouldcft much snore conceive heauineffe ofheart for che fame:againe, that this forroweof his is ioy and reioycing unto thee,ifthouwilt belecue in hisn therefore Paul faith reioyce1 lay agairiereioyce in the lord. When thou readefithat in the garden be praied lyinggrouelingonhis face f veatingwater and blood, beginne to think ferioufly what an vnfpeakable nseafure ofGods wrath Wasvponthy bleffedSauiour,that did proffratehis body vpon theearth,and caute thebloode to followesand thiczke that thy firmsmuff needes be mot, heynoth