Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofChriftemceed. 73 burial!, thinke it was to ratifie his death, and tovanquifhdeath euen in his ownedenne.Applie this burial! to thy felfe, &beleeue that itìerues tomake thygraue abeddeofdowne, and to free thy bodie from corruption. Lafily, pray to God that thou maiti feele thepowerof the fpirit ofChrifi, weak- ning and confuming the bodie of finne , euen as adead corps rottesin the graue,til! it berefolued todufë. VVhen thouhaft thus perufed and applied to thy feefe thehifiorie ofthe Paflìon ofChrift, goe yet further, and labourby faith to fee Chrifi crucified in all theworkes ofGod,cither in theeor vpon thee.Behold him at thy ta- blcin meat and drinke,which isas it were aliuely ferrnon and adailypledge of the rnercie of God in Chrifi. Behold him in all thine atliiEtions,asthy partner chatpttieth thy cafe, andhath companionon thee. Behold himin thy mofidàngerous temptations, in which thedeuill thundereth damnati- on,behold him,1fay,as amightieSampfon beatingaway thegatesofhis e- nemies vpon his owne fhoulders: and killingmore by death thenby life, crucifying thedeuill,euen thenwhenhe iscrucified,by death killingdeath: byentrance into thegraue, opening thegraueandgiuing life to thedead, and in the houleofdeath fpoiling himofall hisQrength and power.Behold him in all the affli6tions ofthy brethren,asthough he himfelfe were naked, hungrie,frcke, harbourles, anddoevnto them all the good thoucanft, as to Chrift himfelfe. If thou wouldeft behold Godhimfelfe,looke vpon him in Chrifi crucified,who is the ingrauen image ofthefathers perfon; andknow it to be a terrible thing inthe timeofthe troubleofthy confciencetothinke ofGod without Chrifi, in whole face theglorieofGod in hisendles mercie is to be Irene, a.Cor,4.6. lfthouwouldeft come toGod for grace, forcom- fort,forfaluation,for anyblefling,comefirft toChrift hanging, bleeding,dy- ingvpon the crofl'e without whome there isno hearing God, nohelping God,no fauingGod,,noGod to thee atall. In aword, letChrifi be allthings withoht exception vnto thee, Color: ;. i 1. for when thou praietifor any bleflìngeithertemporal! or fpirituall, be it whatfoeuer it will beorcanbe, thou muff aske it at thehands ofCod the father by themerit and mediati- on ofChrificrucified:now looke as weaske blellìngs at Gods hand,fomutt we receiue themofhim; and as they arereceiued, fo muff wepotl'eflèand vfe them daily,namely as gifcsofGod procured tovs by themerit ofChrift: which gifts for thisvery caufe, muff be wholly imploied tothchonour of Chrift. FINIS. CC AC