grilagagSgSgin TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR WIL- LIAM PIRYAM Knight LordchickBa- ronofher MMaieflies Exchequer. Grace andpeace. Ight Honourable ,itcan not be unknowntoyour Jelfe, or to anyman of adales experience , that it is thought afmallmatter to commitafinne, or, to lie in fanes' againfl a mans ovvne conffence. For manyvvhen theyare tolde oftheir dutie in thispoint,replieandfay ,What , tell youme of Confcience ? Confciencewas hanged long agoe. But vnles they takebetter heede , andpreuent the danger byrepentance, Hangedcnfciencevvillreviveandbecomeboth gibbet and hangman to them either in this life or the life tocome. For Con f fence isappointedof Godtodeclare&put inexecutió his ite judge- ment againfl[inners : and as God cannotpofsibly be ouercomeofman, f neither can the judgement ofConfciencebeeing thejudgement ófGod, be wholly extinguip,ed Indeede Satanfor hispartgoes about byallmeanes he can,tobenumme theconffence : but all is nothing. For as the fckeman, vvhen hefeernes tofleepeand take his refl,is inwardlyfullo f troubles :fá the benummdanddroufae confluencewants not hisfecretpangs andter- rours, andwhen itjballberoufdby the judgement ofGod,it waxethcruel andfierce like awildbeaft . Again, when a manfanes againfl hisconfei- ence, as much as inhim lieth,heplungethhimfelfeinto thegulfeofdeñe- ration:foreuerywouiidofthe con;cience,tloouáh the (mart ofit be little felt, isadeadly wound: and he that goes on toPanne against his confci- encefiabbes and vvoundes it often in the fame place : and all renewed zwoundes(asweknow) arehardly or neuer cured Thirdly, he that lseth in Pannesagaintl hiscon fcience, cannot callvpon the nameofGodforguiltie canfcienee makes a manflic from God. AndChriflfaith, God heareth notfingers, vnderîtandingby inners ,fie ch asgocon in their ovvnewales lD 4 aga writ