againstconfcience : andwhat canbemore dolefulfthento bebarredofthe invocationof Godsname ? Laf1, f chperfnsafter thelei tudgement, pallhauenot onelytheirbodies in torment,but thevvorrein thefoule andconfciencef allnewer die: andwhat Tvrll it profit aman togaine the Whole ail4by aìng things gain/1hisawne con/cfence, an4looJè his onn flak. Now that men on, this manner care/ey touchingconfîence, máy fie tveer f uie and thegreatdaanger thereof'and cometo amendment; hauepennedthis!Malltreatif : andaccordrngtothe auneient and lau- dable cu f orne, asalto according tomylong intendedpurpofe, Thaw dedi- cate and prefent thefame to your Loralhip. the reafons vvhich haue imboldenedme to thisenterprif (allby- retcitsexcluded)are thefe.Ge- neralldo¿frineinpointsof religion isdarkeandobfccure, andvery hardly pratli%ed vvithout the light ofparticu ,fir examples: and therefore theda Trineofconfeicnce, bydue right pertains toa manofconfcience; f chanoneasyourLordhipis,who(othersoflikeplacenotexcepted )haue obtainedthismercy atGods hand tokeepe faithandgood confcience.A- gaine, confidering thatihsliceandconfcience haue alwaies binfriends: Iaminducedto thinkethatyour Lord_¡hipbeefing publickelyfit apartfor theexecutionandmaintenanceofcivil.'iu.Fiice, will approcue andaccept a Yreatife propounding rules andprecepts ofconfcience. Thus there- fore cravingpardonformy boldnes, and hoping ofyour Lordjhips good acceptance, Icommendyou toGodaridto thewordofhisgrace. i s 9 6. Tune I4. Your Lord(hips tocommand, YPrlliaan Perkins. ..