75 .f.T.Ae'W44/7G%4Q0 trafr-1 OF CONSCIENCE. CHAP. I. What conftience . On fc ience is a part ofthevnderflandingin all Teat'fo . nablecreatures, determiningof their particular Otiseither with them or again(' them. I fay confcience is a part of the yndedlanding,- and I fhew it thus ; God in framingofthe foule pia. eed in it two principallfaculties, Vnderflanding and Vnderflanding is that facultie in the foules wherebywe vfe reafbn:and it is themore principal": part, feruing to rule and order the whole man; and therefore it is placed in the fouletobe as the wagginerlathe waggin. The Will is an other facultie, whereby wedoewill ornill any thing,that is, choofeor refute it. With the will is ioyned fundrieaffeaions,. as boy, forrove, loue,hatred, &c. whereby we imbrace or efchew that which is good or euill. Now, confcience is not placed in the affe6tions nor will,but in the vnderflanding;becaufe theaeli ons thereoffiand in thevfe ofreafon. Vndedianding againe"hathtwoparts. The fira is that which. flandes in the view and contemplation ofma /a and fOood, andgoes no further.-The fecond is that which Rands in theview andconfideration ofeucry particular a&ion , to fearch whether it begood. or badde. The firfl is called the Theerical,the ticond the praatc41vnderflan- dix:g. And vn der this latter is conference tobe comprehended: becaufe his propertie is to judgeofthc goodnes orbadnes of things or aaions done. bVnderfan- Againe I faythat confcience is apart ofthe minde or vriderflanding , to ding1"th no fheWe that confcience is not a bare knowledgeor judgement ofthe vnder- rvabV.;`,°31= flan ding(as`mencommonly write)but a naturall powerfacultie 'or created logie i2re. qualitie fromwhence knowledge and iudgerne.nt proceedeas effo6isahis fpeftofdiaters the Scriptures confirme , in that they afcribe aindrie workes and aaions toaicas and confcience,as accufing,excufing,comforting,terrifyingrwhich a6ii6s.could /WI not thence proceede , ifconfcience ,.vererio more but an zetion or aac: pars.1.9,79. he minde.indeede I grant,it mly be taken for a kindofaanall knowledge, art;. in the minde ofrnati: but to fpeak properly,this knowledge rm2f1 proceede 'D0221'14. nal' ofapower in the foule,thepropertiewhereof is totake theprinCples and 'TT 'n.thi' clufionsof the allude and apply: them and byapply ino either toacct.&or nPZepe'f'4. nsn' Ma. 4 4, 1144