Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofConfrience. 77 confcientht Confcienee, is that thing that combines two togither, &makes thempartners in the knowledgeofone and the fame fecret. Nowman and man , or man and Angel ean notbe combined ; becaufe theycan not know the fecretofany man vnles it be reuealed to them : it retnaines therfore that this combination is onely betweene man and God. Godknowesperfenly allthedoings of man,though theybe neuer fo hid and concealed: andman by a gift givenhimofgod , knowes togither withGod, the fame things of himfclfc: and this giftis named Confcience. CHAP. II. Oftheduties ofConfcience. Heproper anionsor duties ofconfcience are twofold, toglue tef}irno- yr.ofthe tc, nieor togiuc iudgement.Rom.2.I N. tlimork of Confcience giues teffimonie by determining that a thingwas done or it `On1cience, was not done,Rom. 2.t5. Theirconfcietce a J bearing witnes. 2. Coma . a 2. Osrreiopcing sù the tofIimonieofosr confcience,that in mac. Here we muff confider three things: Lofwhatthingsconfcietsce beares` witnes : I I. in what manner : I II. how long. For the' firft,confciencebeares witnesofourthoughts, ofouraffcnions, ofouroutward anions. That it beares witnesofour fecret thoughts, it appeases by the folemne proteftation which atfome time,men vfe; Inmy confcience I 'truerthostght is: whereby they lignifie that theychinke fomcthing,orth.ythinke it not, and that their confciences can tell what they thinke. Neithermuff this ferme firange. For there be two anions ofthe vnderfianding, the one is fimple, which barely conceiueth orthinketh this or that : the otheris a refleairgor doubling of the former,whereby a man concciues and thinks with himfelfe what he thinks. Andthis anionproperly pertaines to theconfcience. The minde thinks a thcught,nowconfciencegoes beyond the minde,&knows what the minde thinks; fo as ifa man wouldgoe about to hide his finnefull thoughts FromGod, his confcience es it were another perfon within him, (hall difcouer all. By meanes of this lecond anionconfcience may beare witnes evenof thoughts,and from hencealto it feemes toborrow his name, Conliientisj. becaufe confcience is a;eience or knowledge ioyned with an other know - fcientia cr, }tai ledge: for by it I conceive andknowwhat I know. liaicicntia. Againe, confcience bcares witnes what thewills and affeëtionsofmen bein currymattcr,Rom.9.1.1faythe troth in (hrtff,1lie not,my confcience bearingme witnes ly the holy (Moll, that Maaegreat heauinej dcontinual!far' row inmy heart: f r 1cotsloi mifh myfelfe tobefep.xrate Chhrifá frrmy brethrc<. Lafily,it witneffeth what be mens anions. Eccles.7. 24. Oftentimes alto thine heart knowetby(thatis,confciencewitncí %th)that thoulik hagcur. fea ethers. Them -n.r rhat confciencevfeth in gluing tefiimonie, flandes in two things,Firfi,it obfeibesand takes notice ofallthings that we doe: fccondly, it doth inwardly and fecrctly within the heat tell vs of them all, In this re.. fpcn