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ofConference. 79 Henceweare admonifhed to take fpecial heed that nothingpafl,lie héa- nie upon vs, andthat we charge not our confcience in time to come with a- ny matter. For ifour confcience accufevs,Godwill much more condemne vs,faith Saint Iohn.i. Ioh,3.1 8.becaufe he leech al our salons moreclearly, & iudgeth tilt.' more feuerely the' confciencuce (hall be good therfore for all men to labour that they may faywith Paul , 2,Cor.4.1b owe not hing by myfelfe,that they may Band before Godwithout blame for euer. Herewe muffconfider two things: firfl , the caufe that makesconfciéce giue judgement: fecondly, themanner how. Thecaufe isthe Binder ofthe confcience.The binder is that thing what- 4 3.Oftht foeuer,which bathpower and authoritie ouer confcience to orderit. bindingof To binde,is to vrge, caufe, andconfîraine it ineueryactioneither to ac- theconfcifu eufe for (inne, or toexcufe for well doing : or tofay, this may bedone , or it maynot bedone. That we mayknowe what this phrafemeaneth(tobe bound in conference) we muff in minde confiderconfcicnce a part by it felfe from the binding power ofGods comaundement.Forthen it hath libertie and is not bounde either to accule or excufe, but isapt todoe either of them indifferently : but when the binding power is let onceouer the confcience, then ineuery asió it muaneedeseitheraccule or excufe: euen asa man in acitie ortowneha>- uing hislibertie, maygoe vp and dowse or not go , where and when he will:butifhisbodie be attached by themagiflrate and imprifoned, then his former libertie is reflrained,he is boundand can goevp anddown but with- in the prifon,or Tome otherallowed place. Thebinder ofconfcience, is either proper or improper. Proper is that thing,whichbath abfolute and foueraignepower in it felfe to binde thecon- fcience. And that is the word ofGod , vvritten in thebookeofthe oldeand nevve Teflament. Keaton. I. He vvhich is the Lord ofconfcience,byhis vvordeand lavvs binds confcience:but G od is the only Lord ofconfcience; becaufehe oncecreated ir,and he alone gouerns it : and nonebut heknovvs it. Therefore hisvvorde and lavvs onely bindeconfcience properly. I 1. He vvhich bath povver to faue or deflroy the foule for the keeping or breaking ofhis lavvs,hath abfolutepowertobind the foule & cófcience by the fame lavves:but the full is true ofGod alone , lam. 3. t 2. There is one lawgiuer which is able tofameanddeffroy. Efa. 3 3.22.7helord is our iudge, the Lords ourlarvgiuer, tlheLordis our king and he rvrll fluevr.Therefore the vvorde of Godalonebyanabfolute and foueraigne povver bindsconfcience,Becaufe this point is cleare alit felfe,further proofe is needles. Hencevve are taughtfundriepolnts ofinflru&ion.I.Such as are ignorant amongvs muff labour to get knovvledgeof Gods vvorde, becaufe it binds confcience Neither vvillthe pleaofignorance ferue for excufe: becaufe, vvhether vve knovv Gods lavvs orknovv them not,they (fill bindevs. And vve are boundnot onely todoe them,but vvhen vveknovve them not , vvec atefurther boundnot tobe ignorantoft hem but to leeke toknovve them . 1f,