® os. crenee. this time is to oiue place, and the fixt commandement alone binds thecon- fcicnce: fo as then (ifneede fhould require)a man might labour all theday without offence to God.Matth.9. a 3.l willhaie rmere,eand notfacrifice. And the rule muff not beomitted,That charitietowards out neighbour is fubor. dinate to the Loue of God, and therefore muff glue place to it. For this caufe the cömandement cácerningcharitie muftgiue place tothecôman- clernent c6cerningLoue toGod:&whëthe cafe fofalsout,thatwemufl ci- therofffdour neighbor or God, wemuff ratherofedour neighbor,théGod. I I. Caution. When Godgiues fome particular commandement tohis people, therein difpenfing with tome other commandement of themorali law: for that time it binds not. For euen the moral' commandementsmuff beconceiued with this condition, Except Codcommand otherrri fe. Example. I. The fixt commandement is, Thou (halt not kill: but god giuesa partieu- lar commandement to Abraham. Abraham offer thy forme Ifaac in Cacri- ficetome. And this latter commandement at that infaant did binde Abra. ham: andhe is thereforecommended for his obedience to it. Il. And when Godcommanded thechildren of IfraeI tocompafle Icrico feuendaies and therefore on theSabbath, the fourth commandement prefcribing the fan - eifyingof ref}on theSabbath , for that inffant and in thataL-lion didnot binde confcience. I I L Caution. One and the famecommandement in fome things binds the confciencemore araitly, and in doing forneother things Idle. Gal.6.ro. Doegood toa/1men,buts` ecia' 17tothem that beofthehoujholdoffaith.Hereeit arifeth,that though all finnes be mortali and deferue eternall death, yet all are not equall,butfome more grieuous thenothers. Iudiciall laws ofMoles are all Inch as prefcribe order for the execution f5.0ftudic's. ofkneeand iudgementin the commonwealth.Theywere fpeciallygiuen allsbindin& byGod,and direóled to the Iewes who for this very caufe werebound in confcienceto keepe them all: and lithe commonwealth ofthe leves were now (landing in the old etlate, nodoubt they thould continue 11111 tobinde as before. But touchingother nations and fpecially Chriflian commonwealths in thefe daics, the cafe is other/de. Some areofopinion, that the whole in.. d cialll w is whollyabolifhed : &fome againe runne to the other extreme, holding that iudiciall laves binde Chriflians as firaidy as Iewesburno doubt they are bothwide ; and the fafea courte is to kccpe the meanebe- tween both.Therfore the iudiciall lawsofMofcs according to the fubflance and (cope thereofmull be díffinguifhed; in which ref-pc& they b are of two burls pert;. forts. Someofthem are laws ofparticular equide, fomeof` common equi. calaris. tie. Laws ofparticular equitie,are Inchas prefcribe iuffice according to the ?o ris commis' particularelateand conditionof the Iewes commonwealth and to the cir- is' cumflances thereof' time,place, perlons, things,acaions. Ofth is kinde was thelaw,thar the brother(hould raife vp fecde tohis brother, andmany fuch like: andnone ofthem bindvs,becaufe theywere framed and temperedto a particular people. 1udicialls..>