o CPI etence. 3 buchadnezzar burnt chad and Zedechias becaufe they committedadul. lerag.z3. retie with their neighborswiues. ByDracoes law among theGrecians this infeedit finnewas death,and altoby the lawoftheRomanes.Againe,thislawi limes !ex /ailing direaly to maintaineneceffarie obedience to the feuenth c6mandement:& p41,1.tudit the c6fiderati6svpon which this lawwas gitié are perpetual!, & ferue to vp . hold the c6monwealth.Lev.ao. 22.7e(faith theLord)IZeisklepall iI e orda. mews0. my iodgentiis(the law ofadultery being one ofthF.) Nowmark the reafôs.r. Lee theLid figreeyou out. 2..fOr thefitmefins Ikatteabhorred t henat The Ceremonial! law is that which prcfcribes rites and orders in the § e.ofthece outward worfhipofGod. rcmonialllav It mufl beconfidered in three times. The firfl is time before the comming 2nd deathofChria : the fecond,thetimeofpublifhing thegofpel by theA- adiiitro;:' potties : the third,thetime after thepublifhingofthegofpel In the firfl,it did bind the confeiences ofthe Iewes,& theobedienceofit was the true wor(hip ofGod,But it didnot thenbind the confeiencesofthe Gentiles : for it was the partition wall betvveene thé& the Iewes.And it did continue tobind the Lewes till the verydeath & afcenfionofChrift.Forthé the hand writing of ordinanceswhich was againft vs was nailed on the eroffe &can celled,And when Chrifi faith that thelaw mid theTrophetsiNdts.. red ti.'17ohn,Luk.i 6, r 6.his meaning is nor, that theeereinoniall law ended then:but that ti ings.feretold by the Prophets,& obfcurelyprefigured byth'e ceremoniall lawsbegan then more plainly tobe preached&mademanifell. The fecond time MI5 from the a tcenfionofChM', till about the timeof the deflruaion oftheTemple and the Citie:inwhich,cerernoniesceafed to bind confcienceand 'remained indifferent. HereuponPaul eircumcifed Ti- t-not-me: the Apoffles %fret Chuffs afeenfion,aseCcalionwas offeredwerC refent in the Teniple,A61.3 r. And the Conned ofHierufalein tendering the weakries offame beleeuers , decreed that theChurch fora cline (hould abflainefrom firangledand bloed. And there was good reafonofthis, be- eaufethe Churchofdc Iewes was not yetfefficiently eonui&edthatan end was put to the ceremonial! law by the deathofChriff. in the third time, which was after thepublifhintofthegorpel, ceremo- niesof thelewes Church became vnlaw full , and fo to the worlds ende. By thi5 it anpeares what a monlitous andIniferable religion the Church ofRometeacheth and maintaineth; which Hands wholly inceremonies, partly hcatherrifh and partlyIowa. A s forthegolilel I take it forthepart oftheword ofGodwhichprotri- horthe feth righteaufnes and life cuerlatiingto all thatbelecue in .Chrift, andWith- Gofpclbia. aUcommandeth this faith. (1;ng. That we may the betterknow, how thegofpel bindes confcience, two points muti be conlidered: one touching theperlons bound, the other tou- chingthe mannerofbinding. Pctrons are oftwo forts; tornebe called, fome be yncalled. Perron s called Fr are