Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

q r L :S,}, 1r [ reati fe ire all fuch to whorne God in mercie hath offered the meanes offaluatiorr; and hath reuealed the doctrineof the gofpel in ionic meafure more or leffe by imams eitherordinarieorextraordinarie . Allfuch I thinke arc flraightly bound inconíciencecobelecue and obey the gofpel.For that word of god whereby men fha11 befudged inthe dayofTudgement,tnull fief} ofall binde theirconfciences in this life, con{dcring abtolution and condemnation is according to thatwhich isdone in this lite : but by thegofpel, all men that haue beene called, (hall be iudged as Paul faith,Rom. 2. t 6. Gad(ball iudta theflorets ofmen6ytefiu Chrifoccordrngtomygoffel.AndourSauiourChrifl faith,Fiethat 6clteuethbath life euerlafling, he which beleeueth not rsalreadte condemned. It remaines therefore, that the gofpel binds the confciencesof fuch men in this life.By this very point we are all put in minde not to cbtent our feines with this, that we haue a liking to the gofpel, and doe belceuc it to be true (though many Protef}ants in thefe our dales thrnke it fufficient both inlife and death,ifthcy hold that theyare tobe fauedby faith alonein Chrifl without therneritofmans workes) but wemull gocyet fuither, and enter into a pra6life ofthe doctrineof the gofpel as well ascf the precepts ofthe morall law; knowing that thegofpel doth as well binde confciencer as the law,and if it be not obeied will as well condemn. Men vncallcd, are fuch as neuer heard ofChrilt by reafon thegofpel was neuer rcuealed unto them,nor meanes ofrevelation offred. That there haue bin Inch informer ages,I make manifeftthus. Theworld (incethecreation maybediflingui1hed into foure ages. The firfl, from the creation tothe flood:the fecond,fromdie flood to the gluingof the Law : the third, from thegivingofthe Law to the deathofChrifl: the fourth, from the deathof Chrifl tothe !aft iudgement. Now in the three former ages, there wasa di- flin6tionofthe world into two forts ofmen, whereof onewas a peopleof God,theother no-people. In the fief} age in the families ofSeth, Noe,&c. were the fonnesofGod; inall other families the fonnesofmen, Gen. 6.2. In the fecond age were the formesofthe flefh and the founts of thepromife, Rom.g.y.In the third,Tewes and Gentiles; theIewes beeing theChurch of God,all nations betide no-church. But in thelafl age thisdiflin6lion was ta- ken awaywhenthe Apoflles hada cornmiffion giuen them that was neuer giuen before to any,namely,to goc teach not only the Iewes,but all nations. Now this diflin6tion arofeof this , thatthe got pel was not reuealed to the world before the commingofChrifl,as theScriptures witnes.The Prophet Efai faith,5 2.14.that Beingsfhalß:ut thcrrmauthet at Chri(l,becauf thatwhich hadnot beenetold them they 'ballpe,anti that whichthey hadnot heardJhakthey vnder/iand. And 5 5.5 thata nation that knewhim not Jhall rannevnto him.,. Paul faithofthe Ephefians that in former times they were without God,and without Chrifl, fira.t ersfonothecouenaut,Eph.z, I 2. And to the Athenians he faith,that the times before the comming ofChrifl were times of ignorance, Ml.i 7. 3o.And that it may not be thought that this ignorice wasaffeaed, Paulfaith further that God in timespajl..uf ercd the gentiles to walks in their awns