Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

cfConfieuce. 85 *wise waies,A61. 4.16. and that themylleritofthegofpel 7, skept f cret froze t be beginningofthe world,andisnow in the lafl age resealedto thewhole world, Rom.' 6.25.`Some alleadge that the lewesbeeingtheChurch ofGod, had traffique with all nations,andby this meanes fpred tonic little knowledgeof the I4leflias through thewhole world:I anfwcr againc that the conference and (peachoflewiih marchants with forrainers was no fufficient meaner to publifh the promìfe of faluation by Chrift to the wholeworld: firffbe.0 caute the Iewes for the rnoft part haue alwaics binmore readie to receiue a. t}y new and falls religion,thento teach their owner fecondly,becaufetheve. rylewesthetnfclues,thou,hthey %\Crewell acquaintedwith thecererno- nies oftheirreligion, yet the fiibffance thereofwhich was Chrifi figuredby external' ceremonies , they knewenot: and hereupon the Phariies when theymade a Profelyte,they madehim ten times more the childofthe deuill then themfelues. Thirdly,becaufemen are feldomeor neuer iüffered topro. kite or make any fpeach oftheir religion in forraine countries. Againe, ifit be alleadged that the do6trine is let downe in the bookes of the olde Teffament , which men through the whole worldmight haueread, fear- ched,and knowne ifthey would; Ianfwer that thekeeping ofthe books of the old Tellament,was committedto the Iewes alone,Rom. 3.2. and ther- fore they were not giucn to thewhole world, as alto the Pfalmiff teftifieth, Hefhewethbrs wordunto Iacob,hisftatutes andhis iudgements veto Iliad: : he P S, bathnot dealsfowithemerynation, neither bane they knowne his judgements. Now touching fuck erfons as haue not fo much as heard ofChriff, though they are apt and fitte to be bound inconfcienceby the gofpel in as much asthey arethe creaturesofGod,yetare they notindeedatuallyboûd till fuch time as the gofpel be reuealed or at the leaft mcanes ofreuelation offered. Reafons hereofmay be there: I. Whatfocucrdocfrincor law doth bindeconfcience , muff in forrtepart be knowne by natureor bygrace or byboth : the vnder1 andingmuff f rff ofaliconceiue , or at the leali haue meanes ofconceiuing,before confciencecanconffraine: becaufeit bindeth byverrue of knowne conclufions in the minde.Thereforethings that are al- tt gerhervnknowne andvnconceiuedofthe vnderflanding,doenot bind in confcience : now , thegofpel is altogether vnknowneand vnconceiued of many,asI haue alreadieprooued, and therefore it binds not them in consci- ence. II. Paul fairh,Rom. z. 12. 'Theywhich (imewithout the law (Written) Jlolbecondemnedwetbout the law: therefore theywhich finnewithout thego- fpel,fhalbecondemned without thegofpel: and fuch as fhalbe condemned without the gofpel after this life, were not bound by it in this life.Auguftine the moti judicial! Diuine ofall the auncient fathers vpon there wordes of Chriff,but now they haue noexcufefor t heirfinite, faithon this maner: Adoubt roih.t s.zo> maybemoonedwhether they to ,'home Chrift bathnot come, neither bath tickets E llama unto them,hauean excufefor theirfinne.For if: hey hotee it not why is itPaid that 89 inu'rob. thefe(namelythe Iewes) tune noexcufebecaufe he came andBabe to them? andifthey haue it,whetherit be thattheirp'snrfbment may be takenaway gaite,or F 2 s