CS s6 Thom.a.a, ' s. 86 _ Treatife inpartle f °erred. To theft denmunds ta.my; capacitre the LordAdMake me I .Knfsver,thtt they torxÇ ve Chrifcame not,nen her hash j oken unto them, hive án exctafe not ofeueryTine butaphisfinne,t hat they banenot 6eleeved ii, ChrìJ?, Alpine, It reruaipes to inquire whether thofe , who before Chri,II' came in his - Church to the entiles,andbeforethey beardhis goßel, havebinor areprevented bydeath,may vfe this eicuf ? Dov6tlestheymal,but theyThal not therfore :flaps ddnation.Farwhojaeuer liagefinnedwithout the law,lhallperifbwithout the lai. As for the rcafonswhich fomeoftheffchoolern.en haue alleadged to the contrarie they are anfwered ail by b men, ofthe fame order, and i will brieflytouch theprincipall. Firfl itisobieaed, that the holy. Ghor (hall iudge theworldoffane, 6ecanfe they haut not 6eleeued inOrig. loh. i6. y.. Ianfwer, that by thewor1ci we mull not vnder(iandail and emerymanfince theereation , but all nations and kingdommes,in the lati ageof the world, towhore the gófpel was revealed. Thus hathPaul expounded this word, Roma t v, t 2. Thefdofthem is the richesofthe world, and thediminifh- ingofthcr;: the r cher the Centiles. V. i 5. Thecalling ofthemaway is the reconcr'Fis: of the =- ,ßr1. Secondly it is obieeted, that thelawebindes all tr:eai it; c3,ifcicnce, though the greatefl part ofit be vnknowne to them. *s`lo'w. The law was once giucn to Adam and imprinted in hisheart in his fief} creation, and in. him as besing the moteofallmankinde, it wasgia unto all then : and as when he finned all men finned in hire, fo when he wasenlightened all were enlightened in him , andconfequentlywhen his confèicnce was bound by the laws., all were bound in him. And though this knowledge be lof} by mans default , yet the bond remaines Ihll,onGods parc. Now the cafe is otherwifc with the gofpe!, which was neuer written in mans nature , but wasgiuen after the fall, and is aboue nae ture. Here a further replie is made, that she couenant madewith Adam, 'Thefeedeof the woman 'hall brvife theferpeats head, was alto made withhis feede which is all mankinde, and was afterward continued with Abra. ham toall nations. I anfweragaine,thaca.//dam was a rootcofmankinde onelyinrefpeet of mansnattire with thegifis and lents thereof: he was no roost in refpec`lofgrace which is about nature, but Chriflthe fécond -A- darn.And therefore whenGod gave the promifevoto him and faith to be- leeue thepromife, hedid not in himgiue,thern both' to all mankinde : nei- ther, if Adam had afterward fallen from faith in the Mtflias, fhould all mankinde agaiine haue fallen in him. Moreotterthat the promueof grace wasnot.made to Adams feede.vniuerfallybut indefinitely is appeares; be- enure whenGod didafterward renew the couenant, he reflrained it to the famille ofNoe and Abraham , and in Abrahams famille it was relirai- ned ro Ifzac, Is; Ifsac(falthahe Lord)mall thy fede be called; yea in theve- ry tenouroEchecouenanctherc is a diffiinóion made of the feedeof the wo- man and the feede of the ferpent s which feede ofthe fèrpent is a ` part of mankinde, and it is excluded from the cotenant. And.whereas the Lord proriifed to Abraham that inhis feede all, the nations of the earth fhould be