ofConccience. $7 be blefred,thepromife muffnot be vnder(lood ofall men in wryage,b.ut ofall nations in the !aft age of the world. And thus Paul hath cleared the text,Cgal.3.8. The Scriptureforefeeing that God would tufliftethe Gentiles tho- rough faith (which wasdone after Chrifls afcenfion)hepreachedbefore the gos` ellto Abraham, ln thee(hall nations be blefed. Laftly it may beobieaed, that ifany man beignorant ofthe do6lrineof faluation by Chriff, it is tho- rough his ówne fault : it is true indeedethat all ignorance ofthedodrineof faluation comes throughmassfault and finne : but (inne muff be diflingui- thed; it is eitherperfonall,or thefinne ofmans nature. Now in them that ne- ther heardof Chrifl, their ignorancein this point proceedesnot ofanyper- fonali finnein thê,but only fr6 the finneofmans nature,thatis,thefirf{ finne ofAdam common toallmankinde, which finne is puni(hcd when god leatlesmen wholly tothemfelues. Now many things there be in menpro- ceeding from this finne,which neuerthelesare no finnes,asthe manifold mi- feries ofthis life : and fo I take the ignorance ofthingsabouemans nature altogether vnreuealed,tobe no finne but apunifhment oforiginall finne. Thus muchof theperlons which arc boundby the gofpell : now let vs fee how fatforth they are boundby ir. God in the gofpell generally reucales two points vnto vs: the firfl, that there isperfect righteournesand life eucrlafling to beobtained by Chrifl: ti n f cond,that the infirument to obtaine righteoufnes and life eternall is fa<th inChrifl. Morcouer when this gofpell is difpenfed andpreached vnto vs,God reucales vntovs twopointsmore: the firft,that he will make vspar- ticularly tobe partakers ofrrue righteoufhes and life euerlaflingbyChrifl: the fee and, that he will hauevs without doubting tobelecue thus muchof our !Clues. And for this caufecurryman to whomethe gofpel is reuealed, is bound to beleeue hisowne election ,iuflification,fanaification, and glorifi- 'ration in and by Chrif. The reafons and groundsof this point out ofthe wordofGod are there: I. r.loh.3.23. 7his is hiscomrnioniement thatwebe- lcetse in the name o fhis Sonne lef.u Chr:11, and loue oneanother as hegame vs comrnandement. Now to beleeuein Chrift,is not confufedly tobeleeue that he is a Redeemer of mankinde , butwithall tobeleeue that he is my Saul- our,and that I ameleaed, iuflified,fanaified, and fhall be glorified byhim. This isgrauntedofall men, yeaofthe Papifls themfelues, which otherwife are enemiesofthis doí`Irine.For Lutnberd faith, Yo beleeue in God is by 6e- Lum&hb.;, teeming toloue,and as it were togoe into god: bybeiceuing to cleaueuntohim,ann diß.z3. As it were to be incorporate into his members. I I. Paul, Gal. 2. i 6, firfl ofall propounds a generali fentence, 7hataman is not infltfledby the ryorkesofthe Izv,but by thefaith ofChriil. Afterward he addes a fpectall applies tion,Eseen we(namely Iewes)batu bcleened in lefua Chrtf?-, that we might beit:flrfiedby thefaith of ffefua Chrifl:and in v.2o.hedcfcendsmore fpecially toapplie the gofpe! tohitnfelfe,1ltue(faith he)by the_Pith oftbetonne of God,whohath loa liedme anclgiuen himfelfefor me.And in this kindeofapplication there is no- thingpeculiar toPaul,for in this very a tiouofhis,hcauoucheth himfelfe to F 3 be