Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

O OPi Ct NCI. , 9 In that weare bound in confcience on this mannertobeleeue the pro.. miresofthe gofpell,with an applicationofthebenefits thereoftoour felues, fundrie neceffarieand profitable pointsofintlruftion maybe learned. The firfi,that thePopifhDoEtoursabolifha great part ofthegofpcll, when they teach that menare bound to beleeue the gofpel onely bya Catholick faith, whichthey make to be nothingelfebut a giftof God,or illumination ofthe minde, whereby affent is giuen tothe wordofGod that it istrue ; andmore fpecially that lefus is ChriIL, that is , an all -fuf icicntSauiour ofmankinde. All which the damned fpirites beleeue : whereas thegofpelfor the comfort and faluationofinensfoules, bath a further reach , namelyto inioynemen tobeleeue that the promife offaluation is not onely true in it felfe , but alfo true in thevery perfon ache beleeuer, as appeares euidently by theSacra- ments which areas itwere a vifiblc gofpel, in whichChria with all his be- nefits is offered and applied to the particular perfons ofmen: to this end,no doubt , that they might beleeue the accomplifhment of the promife in them felues. Secondly , we learne that it is notprefumption for anyman to beleeue the rerniffion ofhis owne finnes: for todoe the will ofGod towhichwe are bound,isnot to prefume : now it is thewill ofGod towhich he path bound vs in confcience,to beleeue theremiflionofourowne finnes : and therefore rather not to doe it, is prefamptuousdifobedience. Thirdly, weare here to markeand to remember with care,the foundati- on of the vnfallible certentie ofmans faluation. For ifman be bound in confcience firfU to Oneaffent to the gofpel, & fecondly to applie itto him- felfe by true faith, then without doubt a man by faith may becertenly per- wadedofhisowne Eleftion and faluation in thislife without any extraor- dinarie reuelation : Gods commandements beeing in this and the like cafes poilible.For commandementsarceither Legal or Euangelical. Legal Phew vsour difeafe,but gluevs no remedie : and the perfe&doing ofthem accor- dingto the intent ofthe Lawgiuer, by reafon of mans weakues and tho- rough mans default, is impoflìble in this world. As for Euangelical com- mandements, they hue this priuiledge, that theymay and can beperfor- med according to the intent ofthe Lawgiuer in this life: becaufewith the commandement is ioyned the inward operationofthe fpirit in the cleft, to inable them to effe61 the dutie commanded: andthe willofGod isnot to require abfolute perfeftion at our bandes in thegolpe1 as in the law, but ra- ther toqualifie the rigour oche law by the fatisfaftionolaMediatour in our dead, andofvs (we beeing in Chrifl)co accept thevpright will and in- deauourfor the deede ; as the will to repent, and the willto beleeue, for re- penrance& true faith indeed. Now then,ifthings required in thegofpel;be bothordinarie &poflible,théfor a mantohaue anvnfalliblecertentieofhis own faluation,isbothordinarie&poffible.But more ofthis point afterward. Lafily,all filch perlons as are troubled with doubtings, difhruffings,vn- beleefe,derpaire ofGodsrnrrcy,are to learn & cófider that Godby his word