Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofCon[ier:ce. 9t theordinanceof God, was guiltie. Laflly, the feueritiecfthe piinifhmenr, which is temporall dcath,dothnot argue any power in the iudgcofbinding confcience : this they might haue learned oftheirowne Dotéor Gerfan, who Lib. devise holdeth that they that bindeany man tomortalifnne, mull be able topu- Spirit,fei4, nifhhint with anfwerable.punifhmenr,which is eternall death. Argum. 2. Math. t 6. Whatfoeuer ye fha'lbinde inearth, (hall be bound in beam's. Here(faythey)to binde isto make lawesconirainingconfcience according to Macth. 23.4. They binde heauieburdens, and lay them on most ¡boulders. An.i. The foueraigne power of bindingand loafing, is not belongingtaany creature , but is proper to Chrift, whobath thekeyes of heauen andhell: heopencthand no man fhutteth , he fhutteth andnoman openeth, Revel.3.7. As for thepower ofthe Church, it is nothingbut a rninifterie or feruice whereby men publifhand pronounce that Chrifl bin dethor loofcth. Againe, this binding flandes not in thepowerof-making 'awes, but in rcmittin and retainingofinens linnes, as the wordes going : beforedeclare,v.i 8. f fthybretherfinne againff tbee,ej c. and.Chrifl fhcwcth his ownemeaning,when he faith,Whofeinnesye remit theyare remitted,avd zvhafe fannesyeretaine theyare retained, Ioh.2o.2 3 . haling before in theper- fonofPeterpromifed them this honour, in this formeofwords,Matth. t 6. Jwillgitie unto thee the ieycsofthe ¡ingdome ofhe<aasen, whatfoe;ier thossfhalt kind. uponearth,PPaI bebound in heartily. This which I fay, is approouedby contentof auncient Divines, A'ugutl. Kai. tot . term. z. N.ernifçn offinne (faith be) £c loafing; therefore by the lawe ofcontraries , binding is to holde finne vnpardoneci. Hilar. upon Matt h.cap. 18. Whome theybindeonearth, that ie,(faithhe)lease vaatied ofthe knottesof their finites. Lumberd thePo- Lib.4.diAA. pithmall eroffentences, the Lord,faithhe,hatltgiuen to Prieflspower ofbin- cap4. dingand loofine, that tr, ofmaltingmanif f1 thatmenarebound or loofed Againe bothOrigen; Augu(tine,and `` TheaphilaEt attributethepowerofbinding ben math. if to all Chriflians, and therefore they for their parts, never dreamed that the upon Ioh. os'erofbindin fhouid be anauthoritie tomake lawes. Lailly, the place Á P o Matth.23.4. ouerturnesthe argumenr,forthere the Scribes and Pharifesare condemned, becaufc they !aidevpon mens fhoulders the burdens of their traditions,asmcancs ofGods warfhip and things binding conícience. Argnn[.3. Aet. t S.It feernesgoodvnto vs and the holy Ghoit,to lay nomore burden on you then theft necc7trte things, thatye abflaine from things offered to idols, andblood,<and t heat which isflrangled,andfornication. Here (faythey)the /'.potties by the inftina of the holy Gho(l make a new law not for this or that refpect, but (imply to binde confciences of the Gentiles, that they might be exercifed in obedience. And this is prootied becau =e the ;Apo- tiles callthislaw abrden, and call die thingsprefcribed neccffgrie, and Saint Luke rearmestherm, the commandments ofthe'eApoflet: and Chryfotlome Calls theEr iCtlefenc torhePChurch Itoperium,that is, a lordly charge. To this theyad e, the m1-fin-Ionics of Tertullian, Origen; Auguttine. Anfv. Though all be grauntcd that the 13?V is aburden impofed, a precept h t a